Leader of the UDAR party Vitalii Klychko is convinced that the single candidate from democratic forces should be the MP of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. This proposition of the party leader was supported by all 537 delegates of the 11th party congress, held in the Mystetskyi Arsenal (Art Arsenal) in Kyiv.

"The only chance to win - is to nominate a single candidate from democratic forces. Let's leave the principle "two Ukrainians - three hetmans" to the other politicians. During the last year, I emphasized that it's necessary to nominate a single candidate... It must be a candidate, who has the largest support of citizens. - V. Klychko said.

Besides that, V. Klychko affirmed: "We have a lot of work to do. We must do everything to secure fair Presidential and Kyiv elections. We will form a new team on the parliamentary elections, new democratic majority. We must take the responsibility of forming the government and realization of reforms. Today, we need to become statesman to get the strategic victory at all levels."

He called all democratic political forces to unite for the European future of Ukraine.

The agreement on united efforts of the Solidarity and the UDAR parties was signed before the conference of Petro Poroshenko and Vitalii Klychko.

During the conference, Petro Poroshenko said that he still hopes that democratic forces will nominate the single candidate. In particular, he hopes that ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine, leader of the AUU Batkivshchyna Yuliia Tymoshenko won't become his political competitor in the campaign. He believes that politicians will betray the Maidain it they don't unite.

"We would appreciate if Yuliia Volodymyrivna supported our today's initiative," - P. Poroshenko said. On the question why the single candidate was failed to be nominated, P. Poroshenko answered: "Who said was failed? We'll see."

Vitalii Klychko will stand for the mayor of Kyiv, he announced himself in the speech. "I want to make a truly European capital out of Kyiv, and we should make our country a truly European country. All the reforms and all undertakings start from the capital," - leader of the UDAR added.

Simultaneously, Vitalii Klychko had ignored the question put by correspondent of the Tochka OPORY newspaper regarding the first steps to solve the most important problem in the capital of Ukraine – formalization of property rights, particularly the right for common property in apartment houses. This very problem, according to specialists, hinders the development of the capital as a modern, civilized city. At the same time, Vitalii Klychko agreed that it's necessary to clean Kyiv from small constructions, particularly those established near subway entrances. A Member of Kyiv Oblast Council from the UDAR party is suspected to be involved in this business. Vitalii Klychko promised to fix it, if he will get the corresponding documents.

In general, the congress was well organized, comfortable working conditions were secured for the journalists, Vitalii Klychko and Petro Poroshenko were quite patient when adherents encircled them asking for an autograph or to take a picture. During the congress, a lot of expensive prestigious cars near the Mystetskyi Arsenal were parked against the rules existing in the civilized society.












Oleksandr Ivaniukh