Ukraine has received a historic chance for making fast and efficient reforms in all branches of the state policy. Electoral reform, which is being discussed for more than 10 years, is not an exception. Such issues were raised by representatives of core civic organizations during the press-conference titled: "Anti-recessionary measures for fair elections. Public demands", held in Kyiv on March 13.

Olha Aivazovska, Electoral Programs Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA, has emphasized the importance of holding legitimate Presidential elections on 25 May this year: "Elections of the President of Ukraine will become a challenge for citizens and the state. We will have to prove that we can conduct fair and democratic campaign under geopolitical pressure of the RF, while troops occupy our territory. We don't exclude the possibility of targeted delegitimization of the process through political provocations and sabotage on sites. Abovementioned threats may be prevented by signing a political agreement on free competition and obedience to the law between subjects of the election process, securing campaign transparency at all stages of its organization, due and qualitative activities of law-enforcement and judicial systems, and comprehensive civic watch."

Yevhen Radchenko, Development Director of the Internews Ukraine NGO, has separately explained the necessity to amend law on local elections, which is not likely to secure fair mayoral elections on May 25, including Kyiv. "We emphasize that it’s necessary to introduce the second round for mayoral elections. Such regulation was discussed and highly approved by the experts. We think that the second round of local elections could be held simultaneously with the second round of Presidential elections, to cut budget expenditure,"- stated Mr. Radchenko.

The elections in occupied territories were discussed separately. Oleksandr Chernenko, Head of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine, stated: "It's obvious that it will be difficult to conduct proper election process in Crimea and Sevastopol, sabotaged by local government representatives and foreign troops present. However, Ukraine should secure observance of electoral right of citizens, willing to use this right." Mr. Chernenko has also explained possible ways to realization of electoral rights on occupied territories, on the basis of international experience.