On 6 March 2012, Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol City Council passed a resolution on the conduction of so-called referendum regarding the status of the AR Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Committee of Voters of Ukraine and Civil Network OPORA affirm:

  • Members of the ARC Parliament and Sevastopol City Council don't have the corresponding authority;
  • There is no legislation securing organization and conduct of local referendums in Ukraine;
  • Time constraints and regulations on the organization of so-called referendum do not conform to international standards.

Therefore, CVU and OPORA, the largest Ukrainian organizations which have extensive experience in professional monitoring during elections and referendums in Ukraine, do not recognize the legitimacy of voting planned for March 16, and will not participate in official observation during these processes.

Besides that, CVU and OPORA are calling all Ukrainian, foreign, and international organizations which are planning to observe this pseudo-referendum, to refuse to participate in these political activities, which are beyond Ukrainian and international legal base. Activities, planned in Crimea for March 16, will be considered as an attempt to legitimize an illegal process, and experienced organizations, adhered to the certain principles and having the certain history, cannot participate in it.

CVU and OPORA emphasize, that trust and reputation is a must for any organizations which secure observation. Participation in monitoring during illegally conducted referendum may be considered as politically motivated and biased.

The organizations affirm, that democratic instruments like elections and referendums should be applied exclusively in accordance with the legislation and international standards.

Civil Network OPORA
Committee of Voters of Ukraine
For comment, please contact:
Olha Aivazovska – Civil Network OPORA - 063 617 97 50
Oleksandr Chernenko – Committee of Voters of Ukraine - 050 310 99 75