Presidential elections should be held in correspondence with the procedures, the law, and international standards. In other way, the results will not be trusted by the certain part of the society.

On May 25, early presidential elections are to be held, according to the Resolution of the VRU on self-withdrawal of the President of Ukraine from performing his constitutional duties and setting early elections of the President of Ukraine. On February 25, when the electoral race is to start, Civil Network OPORA launches a large-scale monitoring campaign during Presidential elections. From the very first day of the campaign, 150 long-term observers will watch its course in all Ukrainian regions. On the Election Day, the organization will mobilize 2000 activists to conduct the parallel vote tabulation, based on statistical sample and qualitative observation.

OPORA will systematically inform the public about the course of election campaign, as well as whether subjects of the election process observe the electoral legislation, officials participate in the race, and all the interested parties adhere to generally recognized international standards. Large-scale civic observation is aimed to prevent violations and abuses during the vote count process.

Besides that, OPORA and other civic organizations will control and strongly assist to the qualitative reformation of electoral legislation. The effective Law of Ukraine on Elections of the President of Ukraine needs urgent technical amendment, in order to avoid abuses during the electoral process and secure its transparency, as well as efficient functioning of election commissions and equal opportunities for the candidates.