Before the adoption of European Parliament resolution on the situation in Ukraine, planned for 6 February 2014, representatives of leading nongovernmental analytical centers in Ukraine, who are also participants of the Initiative on opening of a permanent Bureau for nongovernmental Ukrainian analytical sector in Brussels, appealed to the Members of European Parliament, including its President, with a proposition regarding the text of future Resolution.

In the proposition, nongovernmental organizations recommended to appeal to Ukraine's government, EU leaders and EU Member States.

In particular, European Parliament was recommended to call Ukrainian government to prevent violence and take the corresponding measures to reach durable and peaceful crisis settlement, release arrested protesters (hostages), conduct investigation and punish officials and police officers who were guilty of violence. Ukrainian government should also sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, initialed in 2012.

As for EU leadership and EU Member States, participants of the Initiative proposed Members of European Parliament to urge them to take any necessary measures to prevent violence in Ukraine, create continuing mission for negotiations in Ukraine, acting till the crisis is peacefully resolved and political agreement is reached. EU was also recommended to provide an adequate financial and technical assistance to Ukraine after political agreement is reached and the Association Agreement is signed.

There was also a proposition to recommend EU leadership and Member States to exempt Ukrainian citizens from visa requirements and give Ukraine the future prospect for EU membership.

Besides that, it was also mentioned that EU could direct its efforts against pressure of Russia, aimed to prevent European integration of Ukraine.

Members of European Parliament were also proposed to recommend urgent individual economic and visa sanctions against Ukrainian officials, who are guilty of violence against protesters.

Organizations-participants of the Initiative:

  1. Europe without Barriers
  2. European Center for Democracy Development
  3. Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation
  4. Internews-Ukraine
  5. Civil Network OPORA
  6. Center for Political and Legal Reforms
  7. Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research (UCIPR)
  8. Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation
  9. DiXi-Group
Contact person in Brussels:
Olena Prystaiko, coordinator of the Initiative

Phone: +32 (0)488 292 743