Harsh discussions regarding Ukraine's readiness to sign EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which remained topical during the last month of the Verkhovna Rada's activities, have ended with an unprecedented crisis, when the process of signing was abruptly suspended, with no notification or consent of the main legislative body of the country. This situation has to the certain extent influenced the law-making activities of MPs, who became less active in comparison with previous months. In November, MPs have registered 269 draft laws and resolutions in the Parliament.

MPs of the AUU Batkivshchyna turned out to be the most productive – they have introduced 87 draft initiatives for consideration of the VRU. In particular, law-making efforts of the opposition were focused on: precise allocation of the state subvention for local budgets on the construction, reconstruction, repairs, and maintenance of streets and roads; establishment of exclusively monetary budget payments; prohibition on privatization of buildings and property, previously owned by religious organizations; strengthened controlling functions of local self-government bodies concerning outdoor advertisement and advertisement on transport; establishment of preferential taxation for the supply of certain goods and services by enterprises, institutions, and public organizations of persons with disabilities; simplified taxation procedures for communal enterprises; regulation of the procedure for filing electronic appeals; strengthening liability for violations of electoral rights of citizens during elections and referendums. Most of legislative initiatives submitted by the Batkivshchyna concerned economy, finance and administration (36%); law-enforcement and judicial systems, as well as fighting against corruption (16%); social issues and introduction of memorable dates (14%).

The Party of Regions has registered 74 draft legislative initiatives, and for the first time less documents than its main opponent the Batkivshchyna's pertained to previously mentioned issues. The topical for the Party of Regions issues in November concerned: increased taxation for agricultural lands; prohibition of outdoor advertising on highways; legalization of shadow income; regulation of condominiums' administration; reduction of taxes and charges; widening categories of people who suffered from the Chornobyl catastrophe; facilitation of transparent party financing in Ukraine; establishing criminal liability for the destruction of historical and cultural monuments. More than a half (59%) legislative initiatives of the Party of Regions pertain to the economy, finance, and administration. Politics and state administration was the second topical issue (13.5%).

MPs of AUU Svoboda, the Communist Party of Ukraine, and the UDAR have registered 22, 17, and 10 legislative initiatives respectively. Non-faction deputies have registered 15 bills.

Members of the Svoboda faction proposed to prohibit communistic ideology in Ukraine; secure consumer rights for Ukrainian interfaces; prohibit rising salary and other remuneration for MPs of Ukraine while they are in authority. The Svoboda was mostly interested in economy, finance and administration (36% of draft initiatives).

Only two draft laws were initiated by the communists: one concerned securing the right of the state to regulate prices on medicines; another one was aimed to raise stipends for students in universities of state and communal property. Most of legislative initiatives (18%) registered by the CPU concerned administrative and economic issues. 

As a reaction to the failure in EU integration policy caused by the Government and the President, the UDAR party initiated creation of the Temporary Investigation Commission to investigate the legitimacy of the Government's order to stop preparations to signing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. In general, 40% of draft initiatives registered by members of the UDAR concerned justice and fighting against corruption.

Still, MPs concerned traditionally the same issues in their law-making activities. Financial and economic issues remained topical – 101 drafted documents (37%). Social issues (33 documents or 12%) became not as important as justice and fighting against corruption (40 documents or 15%). Politics and state administration remained quite topical in November 2013 (25 documents or 9%).


In November 2013, members of the Party of Regions were not as active as in previous months; they have registered 74 draft laws. MPs were mostly focused on financial and economic issues. 21 laws and 23 resolutions, drafted by the Party of Regions in November, concerned these issues. However, the number of draft initiatives pertaining to policy, state administration, and law-enforcement activities decreased in four times compared to the previous months. Defense, safety, and foreign affairs remained traditionally insignificant for members of the Party of Regions.

Economics, finance, and administration

V.M. Zherebniuk has proposed (#3537) to increase agricultural land taxation in five times for 1 hectare. The MP is convinced that the effective legislation on fixed tax rate for 1 hectare of agricultural land should be updated, because it was calculated yet in 1995. He has also proposed to yearly revise the agricultural land tax with consideration of indexation coefficient, what will increase income to local budgets from 131 million UAH to 679 million UAH a year.

O.S. Presman and V.V. Makeienko have proposed (#3565) to prohibit outdoor advertising on highways, and introduce a number of other limitations pertaining to road advertising. According to the authors of the document, such measures not only will decrease the negative influence of road advertising on drivers, but also will draw Ukrainian legislation closer to EU standards.

Four draft laws, registered by members of the PR, concerned economic and administrative issues. One of them is aimed to rationalize the use of fuel and energy resources (draft law #3580 "On energy audit", submitted by O.O. Zarubinskyi). The second draft law #3590 on legalization of the income of individuals and business entities was registered by H.Ye. Smitiukh. This document secures so-called "economic amnesty", which is to be applied to shadow income of individuals and business entities only once for a one year period. The document doesn't require provision of information about sources of "de-shadowed" income, and secures secrecy for subjects of the "amnesty", and declaration on legalization. Moreover, officials, who disclose any information about legalized income, will be brought to criminal responsibility.  After such legalization procedure, subjects of legalization will receive state certificates on legalization of income, which will cost one percent of all income and objects of legalization. Author of the draft law has calculated that the state's budget will be increased in such a way for not less than 3-3.5 billion UAH.

A new Draft Law #3669 on Peculiarities of Management in Apartment Buildings was drafted by six MPs (V.V. Saldo, V.M. Vecherko, S.B. Braiko, Ye.H. Kartashov, V.Yu. Mysyk, and Yu.V. Liubonenko). It was aimed to secure legislative regulation of management in apartment buildings by its co-owners; establish rules for activities of a manager, and free regulation of charges for his services, etc. Another new draft law, created within the Prosperous Society, Competitive Economy, and Effective State Economic reform program for 2010-2014, became bill #3670 on commercial accounting of heat, water and sewerage in communal services, created by six abovementioned authors. The draft law provides a method of commercial accounting of resources in communal services, called to secure their rational use, and increase the level of energy safety of Ukraine.

A law #3606, drafted by S.L. Tihipko, contains a wide range of amendments to the Tax Code. The MP proposed an innovation, aimed to facilitate business in Ukraine, which provides reduction of taxes and duties from 22 to 9, the number of tax declarations from 115 to 26 a year, and the number of tax payments from 172 to 52 a year. The law cancels a large number of taxes and duties for the certain types of entrepreneurial activities, particularly tent for oil products transportation; transit of natural gas pipelines and ammonia across Ukraine; fee for using mineral resources and land, the fee for special use of forest resources etc.

Draft law #3551, introduced by V.M. Oliinyk, provides the Apparatus of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine with power to manage the allotted state property.

Social issues and standards

Only two draft laws, registered by members of the Party of Regions, concerned social issues. V.A. Atroshenko has introduced an initiative (#3525) which provides widening of the categories of people who suffered from the Chornobyl catastrophe, particularly improves the mechanism of social protection for citizens whose thyroid gland was irradiated.

A goal of O.B. Feldman, who has introduced the draft law #3585, was to strengthen the protection of children's rights during alienation or mortgage of real property. The MP has drafted amendments to the Law on Notary Service Board, which forbid parents to manage property rights of minors without permission of the Custody and Care Authority. In particular, they won't have a right to waive proprietary rights of a child, including the right to use living premises.

Politics and state administration

In November, members of the Party of Regions have registered 3 draft laws and 7 draft resolutions, which concern policy and state administration. Quite an expected initiative of V.P. Omelchenko (#3709) is aimed to facilitate the transparency of party financing in Ukraine, fulfilling recommendations of the Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). Besides that, this draft law includes a lot of innovations, particularly: procedure of financial reporting, and requirement of its yearly publication in the media; mechanisms for oversight and inspection over financing of political parties; establishment of criminal and administrative responsibility for violation of the certain provisions of this law, etc. Besides that, according to the regulations of this document, parties will be obliged to receive donations only on an official cashless account in national currency, and provide information about the number and amount of collected membership fees and donations. Moreover, the law establishes the maximum size of donation from business entity or individual to one or several political parties, which cannot exceed eight thousand and four hundred minimum wages a year respectively.

Yu.Ya. Ioffe has raised quite a topical issue in his draft law (#3625), particularly to legislatively fight against a "dirty" electoral technology pertaining to the participation of candidates-doubles in the election process. The MP has proposed to amend the Law of Ukraine on the Elections of Deputies, and oblige candidates who have changed names and/or surnames less than one year before the election day to provide such information to the CEC, print it on campaign materials etc. Besides that, this information shall also be indicated in ballot papers and on the official website of the CEC.

Draft Resolution #3699, registered by V.V. Pysarenko contains a proposition to approve recommendations of parliamentary hearings on the implementation of court rulings in Ukraine, make a compilation of them, and oblige the Cabinet of Ministers to report on the course of implementation of these recommendations to the Parliament till July 2014. 

Law-enforcement system, justice, and fighting against corruption

8 draft laws (and none resolutions) pertaining to the amendment of current legislation on law-enforcement were submitted by members of the Party of Regions for consideration of the Parliament.

Draft law #3536 establishes criminal liability for the destruction, demolition, or damage of historical and cultural monuments, which are included into the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine (i.e. memorials in dedicated to those who died in the Second World War). The draft law, aimed to fight against vandals causing damage to cultural and historical objects, was registered by V.V. Kolesnichenko.

M.P. Soloshenko has proposed (#3634) to raise penalties for littering of woodlands. Another draft law #3642, submitted by V.V. Butkivskyi, also provides the rise of fines and administrative sanctions. According to the MP, it's necessary to increase responsibility for violation of Fire and Technical Safety Requirements, what will improve the fire safety of companies and other entities, and increase State Budget revenues.

Introduction of holidays and memorable dates

In November, draft initiatives on introduction of memorable dates were not topical for members of the Party of Regions. V.V. Dudka became the only author in this sphere, who has registered two resolutions. The first concerned celebration of 80th anniversary of creation of Hrebinkivskyi raion in Poltava oblast (#3568). The second – commemoration of the memory of Hryhorii Skovoroda, dedicated to 220th anniversary of his death (#3662).

Environment and natural resource management

The only draft law in this sphere (#3595) was registered by M.M. Rudkovskyi. The MP is convinced that revision of radioactive pollution boundaries shall be banned till 2023. This initiative was aimed to decrease social tension, which emerged after the Expert Group of the National Radiation Protection Commission passed a resolution regarding 1,800 settlements which meet the criteria of going beyond the fourth zone in 2011. The abovementioned resolution was resonant, because privileged status of these settlements, citizens of which suffered from Chornobyl catastrophe, was going to be canceled.

Local self-governments

Three bills, drafted by members of the Party of Regions, concerned the development of local self-government. Two of them are amendments (modifications) to the effective legislation, and 1 is a newly-drafted law.

V.M. Zherebniuk has proposed (draft law #3538) to include fixed agrarian tax to local development budgets. The MP is convinced that such initiative will help to concentrate and collect financial resources in development budgets of territorial communities.

Bill #3648, drafted by K.O. Huzenko, Ye.H. Kartashova, Yu.V. Liubonenko, and V.K. Zadorozhnyi is aimed to improve regulations of current legislation on realization of local governments' control over the use and conservation of land, and to increase the authority of local councils and their executive bodies in this sphere.

V.V. Novynskyi and V.V.Kolesnichenko have jointly drafted a new law, titled "On Hero City of Sevastopol" (#3552). According to the document, Sevastopol is to be given not only the status of Sevastopol territorial community's representative body, but also a body which represents common interests of other territorial communities (including Inkerman city, and other villages and towns).


Members of the Batkivshchyna were working quite fruitfully in November, and registered a large number of draft laws. 34 of registered documents are draft amendments to the effective legislation, 2 new draft laws, and 43 draft resolutions, most of which is formal (21). Issues of foreign affairs, defense, medicine, and environment were set aside by MPs of this faction in November. L.M. Hrynevych and V.A. Kyrylenko, were the only initiative lawmakers of the Batkivshchyna in the sphere of humanitarian policy. They have registered 6 related formal resolutions.

Economics, finance, and administration

In November, economic and administrative issues were traditionally topical for MPs of the Batkivshchyna faction. MPs have registered 31 draft laws in this sphere; 17 of them are draft amendments to the effective legislation; 13 – resolutions (1 of which is not formal); 1 new draft law.

T.Ya. Sliuz has traditionally become the most active law-maker in economic sphere. Her another initiative is establishment of distinct distribution of the state subvention for local budgets on the construction, reconstruction, repairs, and maintenance of streets and roads (bill #3618). According to this legislative initiative, 70% of such subvention shall be used for repairs and maintenance of the roads and communal property in settlements, and 30% – for their construction and reconstruction. Another draft law (35280) of MP Sliuz is called to prevent returning to non-monetary payments to the budget (through bills of exchange or barters. The MP proposed to make only monetary payments from the State and local budgets, and ban payments to the budgets made with bills of exchange. Draft law #3690, registered by T.A. Sluiz in November, but be the most extravagant. In this document, she proposed to include Lenin monuments to the assets of gold and currency reserves, in order to use pay- off debts of the National Bank of Ukraine with them. It should be mentioned that there are nearly 1,344 bronze monuments of "proletarian leader" in Ukraine, which cost almost 55.8 thousand USD, according to the calculations of Ms. Sluiz.

O.V. Turchynov has proposed (#3543) to prohibit privatization of buildings and property, which were owned by religious organizations, and now are owned and inappropriately used by the State, and return them to their previous owners. M.H. Kucheruk has proposed in his draft law #3563 to make some amendments to the laws on land relations. These amendments are specifications, in fact. For example, the MP proposed to substitute one concept in the effective legislation (selfregulatory organizations) with its variation (for example, self-regulatory). Besides that, M.H. Kucheruk has registered draft amendments (#3564) to the Tax Code, in which he proposed not to impose taxes on heritage or real property in villages for second degree heirs. In the corresponding propositions (bill #3573), Yu.V. Vozniuk urged to strengthen the rights of heirs who were not permanently living with a testator at the moment of opening of inheritance.

Draft law #3503-1, registered by L.O. Yemets, provides improvement of the Law on Advertising, particularly strengthening of local self-government bodies' controlling functions pertaining to the placement of outdoor advertising and advertising on transport. The priority of passenger transportation over other types of railroad transport services is determined by the bill #3604, registered by V.A. Koroliuk. O.H. Lukashuk deems it necessary (#3614) to improve the Law of Ukraine on development and state support to small and middle entrepreneurship in Ukraine, and loosen restrictions on state support to the subjects of small and middle entrepreneurship (#3614). In draft law #3623, V.M. Sushkevych has proposed to establish privileged taxation for the certain goods and services, provided by enterprises, institutions, and civic organizations of disabled persons. H.H. Zubko has proposed (#3632) to simplify the taxation procedure for communal enterprises, which provide housing and communal services to electric transport enterprises.

In November, draft law #3580-1, submitted by S.V. Pashynskyi, was the only comprehensive document in the sphere of economics and administration; its main function is the development of legislation on energy savings. O.M. Bryhynets, A.M. Pavlovskyi, V.O. Dubil, and Yu.Ya. Stets have decided to enhance state's support to small and middle business, and introduced a number of amendments to the Law on development and state support to small and middle entrepreneurship in Ukraine (#3614-1).

An important resolution #3680, initiated by V.O. Yavorivskyi and M.D. Katerycnhuk, provides that any increase of public transportation fares in Kyiv is banned till January 1, 2015. According to MPs, there are no grounds for rising fares (100% in buses, trams, trolleybuses, and 50% in subway and city electric train), secured by the decree of Kyiv City State Administration as of November 13, 2013. However, the most topical issue of public transportation is minimization of abuses and corruption.

Social issues and standards

6 draft laws and 6 draft resolutions in social sphere were registered by members of the Batkivshchyna in November.

Draft law #3450-1, submitted by T.A. Sliuz, provides a settlement of legislative collision on securing serviceman and cadets with hostels, through amendment of the Housing Code, adopted yet in 1987. According to V.H. Yarema (bill #3535), children who live closer than five kilometers to harmful manufacturing enterprises should be included to the category of children provided with free recreation and health-improvement services. A group of seven MPs from the Batkivshchyna has registered a bill #3581, establishing minimal pensions for persons, who are unable to work for a minimum subsistence.

Politics and state administration

One draft law and 7 substantial resolutions pertaining to politics and state administration were registered by members of the Batkivshchyna in November.

M.D. Katerynchuk was most active, he initiates special local elections in different regions of Ukraine, and registered six draft resolutions, including #3597 on the Appointment of Special Kyiv Mayoral and City Council Elections to February, 2014. The substantial resolution, drafted by A.P. Yatseniuk, provides creation of a Temporary temporary special commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on improvement of electoral legislation, which goal would be securing implementation of requirements for signing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.

Four MPs (O.V. Kuzhel, R.P. Kniazevych, P.D. Petrenko, and A.H. Pyshnyi) have drafted a bill #3681. The document is aimed to create new conditions for realization of citizen rights on access to information about activities of state bodies. It introduces a new concept "electronic appeal", and allows citizens sending requests and receiving answers electronically.

Law-enforcement system, justice, and fighting against corruption

8 draft laws (1 new law, and 7 amendments to existing laws), and 6 resolutions (1 of which is substantial), initiated by members of the Batkivshchyna, concerned law-enforcement system and justice.

Most of bills pertaining to law-enforcement were registered by R.P. Kniazevych. His bill #3529 contains amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, aimed to improve regulations on the responsibility for violation of citizen electoral rights during elections and referendums. Another his bill (#3705) is aimed to improve mechanisms of consumer protection in case the goods were of improper quality. This very draft law provides widening the rights of consumers, who were sold goods of improper quality: for example, to allow exchanging goods for similar or the same brand without vendor's attempt to remedy a defect, according to the current legislation. In order to secure legitimate and timely appointment of local special elections, R.P. Kniazevych has proposed (#3592) to determine precise time constraints and procedure for consideration of cases on early termination of local councilors, village, town, and city heads in administrative courts.

A Draft Law on State Guaranties for Overcoming the Consequences of Selective Justice and Restoration of Infringed Rights of Citizens, initiated by S.V. Sas, became another attempt to legislatively resolve the "issue of Tymoshenko's imprisonment". Single-page draft law provides mostly "individual measures" (like an act of clemency of an individual) for persons, who have fallen victims to the selective justice.

K.A. Bondariev is convinced (#3637) that the certain amendments should be made to the Criminal Procedure Code, which determine all types of expert examinations, and the procedure for attraction of experts to criminal proceedings. The resolution #3555, registered by A.M. Pavlovskyi, provides the creation of Temporary Investigation Commission of the VRU to investigate illegal seizure of a large state's land plot (94.67 hectares) in Brovary city, change of its designated purpose, further privatization and other machinations. It should be mentioned that such resolution was positively assessed by the Organized Crime Control and Anti-Corruption Committee.

Introduction of holidays and memorable dates

In November, members of the Batkivshchyna faction have registered 12 resolutions on celebration of memorable dates, including the celebration of 70th anniversary of deportation of Crimean Tatars, 30th anniversary of death of Yosyp the Blind patriarch, 105th anniversary of Mariia Pryimachenko's birth etc. The most active initiators were V.O. Yavorivskyi (5 resolutions), and I.M. Stoiko (4 resolutions).

Local self-governments

Issues of local self-government became topical in 3 draft laws, submitted by members of the Batkivshchyna party.

Thus, A.P. Yatseniuk, in his newly-drafted law #3552-1 (an alternative to the bill #3552 registered by PR members V.V. Novynskyi and V.V. Kolesnichenko) has raised the problem of Sevastopol's special status. This very bill determines city boundaries, competences of local self-government bodies and executive bodies etc. However, "decentralization" of powers in Sevastopol is greater than in PR's bill. In particular, it provides division into five territorial units, with Sevastopol, Inkerman, and Balaklava City Councils, Kachyn Town Council, and Orlynivsk Village Council.

In bill #3619, Tetiana Sliuz proposed to fill local budgets with funds paid for the extraction of mineral oil, natural gas and gas condensate, which is carried out on their territories. The MP has suggested that 10% of these costs are paid to local budgets, but not 100% to the State Budget of Ukraine, according to the effective legislation. V.V. Shkvaryliuk has made another attempt to improve financial standing of local government bodies, and registered bill #3652. The bill provides amendments to the Budget Code, which secure that residual assets of local budgets are rolled over to the next budget period, but not returned to the State Treasury in the end of the year.


In November 2013, law-making activeness of MPs of the Communist Party of Ukraine was considerably lower compared to previous months. Thus, while MPs have registered 30 draft initiatives in October, and 29 in September, only 17 draft legislative acts (15 draft resolutions and 2 draft laws) were registered in November. Besides that, the tendency of formal law-making remains. Most draft resolutions (12 of 17) were registered by Head of the Committee on Social Policy and Labor, Petro Stepanovych Tsybenko (5 of them concern social policy), and a Head of the VRU Committee on Construction, City Planning, Housing Service and Regional Politics, Spiridon Pavlovych Kilinkarov (5 concern social policy, and 2 – economic issues). Both Heads are in fact implementing their duties, and sign decisions, taken by the corresponding Committees.

Instead, only three draft resolutions were initiated by CPU members themselves. Thus, Oksana Kaletnyk has registered draft resolution #3600 on creation of a Temporary Investigation Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to investigate the circumstances of State registers' non-functioning on October 1, 2013. In result of such non-functioning confidential information about Ukrainian citizens could be gathered by third persons. The goal of such commission would be objective investigation of circumstances and consequences of non-functioning State registers; verification of the Art-master LLC and the 3-T LLC, as well as the Information Center SOE of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, including verification of the tenders' compliance with requirements of the corresponding effective legislation. 6 MPs from the Party of Regions, 3 from the AUU Batkivshchyna, 1 from UDAR, 1 from Svoboda, and 1 from the CPU were proposed to be included in the Temporary Commission.

To other draft resolutions concern the celebration of holidays and memorable dates. Member of the CPU Volodymyr Bidiovka has registered a draft resolution #3664 on celebration of 80th birth anniversary of the first astronaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Yu.O. Haharin. In particular, it was proposed to create an organizing committee, to develop and approve a plan of events for the celebration of 80th birth anniversary of the astronaut, determine its financial, as well as material and technical resources. Besides that, it was proposed to organize a series of thematic exhibitions, TV and Radio programs, to produce and put into circulation jubilee coins, create stamps within celebration of Yu. Haharin's birthday.

Draft resolution #3665 on celebration of 70th anniversary of liberation of Mykolaiv city from German fascist invaders was registered by the communist Mykola Dzardanov. He proposed to conduct a number of scientific conferences, roundtables, "memory lessons", reviews of military glory rooms, festivals, competitions for the best patriotic song, publication, thematic program, and other events dedicated to World War II, to be conducted in military units, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

As for the draft laws, the communists have registered only two of them in November. One of them (#3583), co-drafted by Iryna Spirina and Petro Tsybenko, provides amendments to the Article 54 of Basic Laws of Ukraine on health care regarding state regulation of prices for medicines. The bill is aimed to consolidate the state's right to regulate prices of medicines by applying margin surcharge, and supply and marketing allowances. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is supposed to establish the margin of trading surcharge. According to the authors of the bill, adoption of the latter will make medicine cheaper for citizens of Ukraine, improve quality of their lives, and reduce the number of invalids.

Another Draft Law (#3694) on Making Amendments to Article 64 of the Law of Ukraine on Higher Education (regarding rising of stipends), was registered by members of the Communist Party of Ukraine Oleksandr Prysiazhniuk and Oleksandr Zubchevskyi. According to the document, stipends in higher educational establishments of state and communal ownership should be increased to subsistence minimum level, which is 1,147 UAH in 2013. The minimal stipend for university students for today is: 550 UAH for those having I-II accreditation levels, and 730 UAH for HEIs of III-IV accreditation levels. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is supposed to establish the procedure of allotment and paying of stipends. Still, due to the complicated economic situation, such initiative is unlikely to be soon implemented.  


In November, MPs of the AUU Svoboda faction have registered 25 draft regulations, particularly 16 draft laws and 9 draft resolutions. Similarly to the previous month, most of documents (8) concern financial, economic, and administrative issues. In particular, members of the Svoboda worked on regulation of national post office operator; peculiarities of some post services; protection of economic rights of migrant workers; regulation of social and economic development of company towns of industrial facilities. Ten legislative initiatives, registered by members of the Svoboda, concern environmental issues and natural resource management. However, most of them are formal – signed by the Head of Committee on Environmental Policy, Use of Natural Resources and Chornobyl Aftermath Mitigation, Iryna Sekh. Two registered draft laws concerned humanitarian policy issues. One of them aimed to secure consumer rights for Ukrainian interfaces, another one – the use of state symbols in secondary schools, preschool and out-of-school educational establishments. Oleh Tiahnybok and Andrii Mokhnyk have registered a draft law on prohibition of communistic ideology in Ukraine. Members of Svoboda faction have also registered a draft law banning to raise salaries and other remuneration for MPs of Ukraine while they are in authority.

Environment and natural resource management

Iryna Sekh has proposed (draft law #2264а-д) her own amendments to the Draft Law on Hunting and its Management (#2264а), which was registered yet on June 7, 2013 by a group of MPs (N.I. Shufrych, I.H. Kalietnik, D.O. Shentsev, V.A. Holovko, M.I. Myronenko). MP of the Svoboda is convinced that almost all the novelties in the draft law are not progressing in comparison to the effective law. Moreover, she thinks that it's created in the interests of the certain individuals, and weakens the efficient state control and influence of local governments in the sphere of hunting and its management. In particular, Iryna Sekh emphasized that hunting ground can be given to any organizations, even those not involved in hunting. According to her, professional hunting management is possible only when hunting grounds are given to specialized farms or other organizations with specially formed units. Thus, I. Sekh has proposed in her bill to establish a procedure which will secure that only appropriate users will be able to receive hunting grounds, in order to efficiently manage hunting husbandry. Another problem, which I. Sekh proposed to solve in her bill #2264а, is that Oblast Councils are deprived of the right to decide whom to provide hunting grounds on their territory.

Draft law #3672, registered by Iryna Sekh and Andrii Tiahnybok, on Making Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine (on preservation of biodiversity), strengthens requirements for protection of birds, included into Appendix 2 of Berne Convention, which prohibit destruction of the habitat of rare species of animals and plants in the biosphere reserves and national parks; prohibits the use of airguns in unadjusted places.

Politics and state administration

MPs Oleh Tiahnybok and Andrii Mokhnyk have registered a draft law #3530, aimed to ban any manifestation of communistic ideology, considered to be misanthropic. In particular, it includes recognizing the Communist Party of Ukraine as a territorial organization of the CPSU (B) (Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik)), which has bearing names RSDLP (Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (B) (Bolshevik)), RCP (Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik)), and AUCP (B) (All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik)), as a criminal organization which committed crimes against peace and security of mankind, war crimes and crimes of genocide, with no period of limitation, including famines, mass repressions and deportations, terror and political persecution in Ukraine; the prohibition of Communist propaganda and the use of communist symbols; taking measures to de-communize Ukraine.

Members of Svoboda faction have also registered a draft law #3682, banning to rise salaries and other remuneration for MPs of Ukraine while they are in authority.

A group of MPs (Ye.V. Leonov, I.M. Sabii, I.M. Miroshnychenko, A.Yu. Illienko, O.B. Myrnyi, R.B. Zelyk, O.P. Kaida, I.T. Yankiv, and A.Ya. Tiahnybok) have proposed in the bill #3549 to amend regulations the Law of Ukraine on Volunteering, which concern powers of the central executive bodies in the sphere of volunteering, and an approach to giving a status of a volunteering organization. In particular, authors of the bill have introduced a regulation, which provides that the status of a volunteering organization should be provided to legal entities not by the central executive body in the sphere of volunteering, but by the executive body which registers non-profit organizations.

Economics, finance, and administration

P.V. Kyrylenko, Yu.A. Mykhalchyshyn, and V.V. Cherniakov were concentrated on the problem of migrant workers, and registered three related bills. They proposed to include a concept "Ukrainian migrant worker" into the Tax and Customs Codes, and determine transactions, which should be exempt from import duties and other taxes and customs (bills #3610 and #3611). Besides that, MPs have proposed to make privileges in paying single tax from investments of Ukrainian migrant workers (draft law #3612).

MPs O.B. Myrnyi and I.M. Miroshnychenko have registered three interrelated bills which regulate social and economic development of company towns of industrial facilities. Draft Law #3673 provides criteria of company town of industrial facility and determines the order of giving such status. It was proposed that cities which service one or more large enterprises should be included to the category of company towns of industrial facilities. In order to protect basic social rights of citizens in such cities, MPs proposed to create special source of funding for company towns, and protect budget articles for social issues. To make company towns more appealing for the investors, MPs proposed to provide additional privileges for enterprises, which create new workplaces in such cities. Draft law #3674 regulates legal relations in the sphere of taxation regarding taxation of enterprises located on the territory of company towns of industrial facilities. Draft law #3675 regulates legal relations in the budget sphere regarding formation of local budgets in company towns of industrial facilities.

Oleh Kaida has initiated a draft law #3594, which provides allocation of a subvention from the State Budget of Ukraine to Ternopil oblast budget for social and economic development in amount of 15 million UAH, taken from the reserve fund of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

Humanitarian policy

A group of MPs from the Svoboda faction (A.M. Vitiv, O.Ya. Tiahnybok, O.P. Kaida, and I.I. Sekh)have proposed in their draft law #3589 to add Article 15.1 to the Law of Ukraine on Consumer Rights Protection, in order to secure the right of Ukrainian citizens to purchase home electronics, equipment and other technical devices which support input and display of information in state language. Besides that, it was proposed to add Article 6(3.30) of the Law of Ukraine on Confirmation of Responsibility, so that state bodies used only equipment, devices and appliances with displays (monitors) to which allow changing the language localization into the state language.

Another draft law pertaining to the humanities (#3683), drafted by members of the Svoboda (O.P. Kaida, O.M. Sych, A.M. Mishchenko, L.S. Martyniuk, I.T. Yankiv), ensures: the placement of state symbols in secondary schools, preschool and out-of-school educational establishments, and explanation of ideology and rules for the use of state symbols by teaching staff; learning the text and music of the National Anthem of Ukraine by pupils of secondary schools; mandatory use of state symbols during celebrations, state and national holidays in the primary, secondary and out-of-school educational establishments; students, pupils , teachers and other members of the educational process performing the National Anthem of Ukraine during the raising of the National Flag of Ukraine every Monday at the beginning of the first lesson. According to initiators of the document, adoption of this law has a great social and political importance, and will help to strengthen the nation, as long as it will facilitate to the development of respect to the state symbols of Ukraine among the young, increase their national consciousness and patriotism, the feeling of belonging to the native land and nation.


In November, members of the UDAR party have registered10 dart normative acts in the Verkhovna Rada, 5 draft laws and 5 draft resolutions. Similarly to the previous month, most of the documents concerned justice and fighting against corruption (4). Besides that, members of the UDAR were focused on economic component and state governance. Thus, draft resolution #3707 provides a creation of Temporary Investigation Commission consisting of MPs from different factions to investigate the legitimacy of the Government's order to stop preparations to signing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. In other spheres, MPs were not quite active in law-making – only one normative act, dedicated to social and medical issues.

Economics, finance, and administration

MP Oksana Prodan has registered draft law 3466-1. The draft law provides amendments to the Law of Ukraine on Application of Transaction Registers in Trade, Public Catering and Services, which regulate relations between economic entities, suppliers and service centers; prohibits demanding personal identification documents when buying and selling foreign currency; and simplifies the administration of payment transactions. Besides that, a group of authors headed by Oksana Prodan proposed to minus expenses on modems and transaction registers from tax obligations of economic entities. It should also be mentioned, that the only MP among the authors is Oksana Prodan, and the rest eight represent regional councils, associations of entrepreneurs, and labor unions.

Another member of the UDAR, Valerii Patskan, has registered a bill #3695, aimed to remove problems in taxation, faced by civic organizations after the Law of Ukraine on Civic Associations According to the author of the bill, the effective law on civic associations provides two concepts: civic organizations and civic associations. Thus, the concept "civic organization" was narrowed, and doesn't contain the term "civic association" as an association of civic organizations. Besides that, the Tax Code of Ukraine uses only the concept "civic organization" now. In result, all associations of civic organizations have now problems with inclusion into the Register of unprofitable institutions and organizations, and have to pay taxes for receiving donations, which are to be used for socially important goals.

Politics and state administration

MP Volodymyr Kurennyi has registered an important Draft Resolution #3532-1 on Appointment of Special Elections of Odesa City Mayor (Odesa city in Odesa oblast). We remind that former Odesa City Mayor Oleksii Kostusiev has filed a personal application to Odesa City Council in connection to voluntary abdication of post on October 31, 2013 On November 4, councilors have approved resignation of Kostuiev during the special session of the Council. The registered draft resolution provides the appointment of elections of Odesa city mayor for November 16, 2014.

In reaction to a sudden change of Ukraine's foreign policy vector before the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, and particularly to a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine #905-p "Regarding the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on one part, and the European Union and its Members States, on the other part", passed on November 21, 2013 the MP of Ukraine Serhii Kaplin has registered a draft resolution #3707. This draft law provides the creation of the Temporary Investigation Commission to investigate the facts of treason of national interests of Ukrainian people, committed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by suspension of EU-integration processes. The commission will consist of 8 MPs, proportionally representing different political parties of the VRU. It's planned that the commission will conduct its activities for one month after adoption of the resolution.

Law-enforcement system, justice, and fighting against corruption

Member of the UDAR has registered Draft Law #3603 on Making Amendments to Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine on Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons (to improve regulation of migration processes). Author of the draft law has emphasized that there are potential threats connected to illegal migrants, because the number of detained Ukrainian frontiersmen, who cooperated with illegal migrants, has considerably risen during the last five years. Thus, the draft law is aimed to improve the corresponding regulations of nation legislation, create proper legal grounds for strengthening the control of illegal migration, improvement of migration processes, and provide corresponding police units with the right to impose administrative sanctions against violators of law on the legal status of foreigners (to draw up reports for the relevant administrative violations, to decide on the reduction of the stay, on forced return, etc.).

Besides that, Head of the Organized Crime Control and Anti-Corruption Committee, Viktor Chumak, has introduced a draft resolution on adoption of the Law of Ukraine on Preventing and Combating Corruption as a basis. According to the amendments, persons authorized to perform functions of the state or local government, equated to them individuals and their family members are not eligible to open bank accounts abroad and perform other actions that assist to corruption offenses. Such amendments are supposed to decrease the number of corruption offenses, stop so-called leakage of Ukrainian money abroad, and stimulate public servants to dutifully fulfill their functions.

Social issues and standards

MP Serhii Averchenko has proposed to improve social protection for individuals, who were diagnosed with thyroid cancer because their thyroid gland was irradiated in early age. Draft Law #3525-1 provides the amendment of the Law of Ukraine on the Status and Social Protection of Citizens Who have Suffered from Chornobyl Catastrophe. According to this amendment, individuals who were diagnosed with thyroid cancer because their thyroid gland was irradiated in early age in result of Chornobyl catastrophe, in case the irradiation was higher than the level established by the central executive body, should be included to the category of people who suffered from the Chornobyl catastrophe, and have the right to determine causal factors between their worsened health, disability, and consequences of Chornobyl catastrophe.


In November 2013, non-faction deputies have independently drafted 15 bills.  Non-faction MPs were mostly focused on economic issues, law-enforcement system and justice (4 bills each). Introduction of holidays and memorable dates – 2 bills, local self-government issues – 1 bill. Draft resolutions on rejection of bills concerning the national security and safety were formalistic (4 bills).

Economics, finances, and administration

Lev Myrymskyi has proposed (#3697) to establish the state monopoly on lottery activities in Ukraine.  Vitalii Nemilostivyi has proposed (#3658) to establish tariffs limitation for rape export, and create conditions for organization of rerolling production on customs territory of Ukraine.

Law-enforcement system, justice, and fighting against corruption

Oleh Liashko has prepared a draft law #3596 on release of Yuliia Tymoshenko from further serving of punishment. Nevertheless, the bill is individualized and doesn't provide the detailed procedure for release of Yuliia Tymoshenko. Lev Myrymskyi has initiated (bill #3587) the introduction of criminal proceedings in absentia. According to the MP, criminal proceedings in absentia will be conducted in case a person, suspected or accused in commitment of criminal offense, is avoiding arriving to the body of pre-court investigation or to the court.

Introduction of holidays and memorable dates

Non-faction MPs have proposed to celebrate the memory of Henrikh Neihaus (bill #3608, Andrii Tabalov), and 425th anniversary of Nadvirna city foundation, Ivano-Frankivsk obast (#3553, Yurii Derevianenko).

Politics and state administration

Oleh Liashko has proposed (#3556) to prohibit state servants and their family members to have accounts and funds in foreign banks.

Local self-governments

Serhii Mishchenko has proposed (#3677) to delegate the certain powers of the state registrar to local self-government bodies, particularly the right to register rights to lease land plots for agricultural purposes.


In November 2013, representatives of different factions have jointly registered 44 draft laws and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The biggest number of interfaction draft laws concerned law-enforcement and judicial systems – 10 bills. Draft laws concerning the possibility to make an interval in sentence for a person convicted to deprivation or restriction of liberty, registered by AUU Batkivshchyna, AUU Svoboda, and the UDAR, were widely discussed. Besides that, opposition factions have prepared a draft law, which provides radical reformatting of prosecuting agencies in Ukraine. Arsenii Yatseniuk, Vitalii Klychko, and Oleh Tiahnybok introduced a draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on a vote of non-confidence to the Government, which wasn't supported in the Verkhovna Rada. 9 draft laws concerned economic issues, 7 – social issues and standards; humanitarian issues and local self-government – 5 bills each. 4 draft laws concerned environment issues and natural resource management.

Economics, finances, and administration

Serhii Kaltsev (Party of Regions) and Olha Borysova (CPU) have jointly proposed (#3696) to exempt citizens from the obligation to register property rights when making legal actions, if it was already registered before January 1, 2013. The initiative is connected to the new system of state registration, introduced on January 1, 2013 concerning registration of proprietary rights and its encumbrance. Today, state registration of proprietary rights for buildings and land plots is conducted by the same body – Body of State Registration of Rights, but not different (technical inventory bureau and territorial bodies of land resources). According to MPs, the citizens are now obliged to pay for receiving an extract from the National register of property rights for real property, if the right for real property appeared before January 1, 2013.

Mykhailo Opanashchenko (Party of Regions) and Ihor Rybakov (non-faction) have proposed to oblige leasers of land plots to register in the corresponding controlling body during 10 working days after property rights for agricultural land, or land plot (share), were registered by the state. Simultaneously, tax on personal income from leasing land plots (shares) should be paid to local budgets according to the location of such land plots (#3622).

Social issues and standards

Serhii Tihipko (Party of Regions), Oleksandr Prysiazhniuk (CPU), Pavlo Rizanenko (UDAR), and other MPs have initiated amendments to the legislation (#3651) which concern social orphanhood, development of social services to support families with children who are in difficult life circumstances. The draft law determines legal grounds for temporary placement of children in foster families and introduction of a service "family patronage."

Dmytro Andriievskyi, Mykola Tomenko (AUU Batkivshchyna), Serhii Kunitsyn (UDAR), and other MPs have proposed (#3615) to secure lifetime allowance to family members of perished servicemen.

Humanitarian policy

Arsenii Yatseniuk, Oleh Tiahnybok, and Vitalii Klychko have registered Draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (#3659) regarding an Appeal to the European Parliament, Council of the European Union, and parliaments of Members States of the European Union in connection to 80th anniversary of 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine. The document, MPs call on the EU Council and Parliament to recognize 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine as genocide of Ukrainian people, to establish a committee which would thoroughly investigate activities of totalitarian communist regimes in Council of Europe Member States and initiate a campaign to raise understanding of these crimes in the Council of Europe.

Viacheslav Kyrylenko, Denys Dzenzerskyi (AUU Batkivshchyna), Valerii Patskan (UDAR), and other MPs have proposed draft amendments to the law on volunteering. In particular, they include voluntary life and health insurance of volunteers by organizations and institutions that attract them to their activities.

Mykola Tomenko, Yurii Odarchenko (AUU Batkivshchyna), Mariia Matios, and Iryna Herashchenko have initiated (#3653) deletion of regulations which allow privatization of buildings, structures, premises, containing a library of state or municipal property.

Politics and state administration

Draft Resolution on Responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, introduced by leaders of three opposition factions Arsenii Yatseniuk, Oleh Tiahnybok, and Vitalii Klychko became the most resonant legislative initiative (#3692). This resolution concerned the necessity to adopt resolution of no-confidence to the Parliament, explained by violation of the Law of Ukraine on the Principles of the Domestic and Foreign Policy by suspension of EU-integration process. The draft resolution was considered during Plenary Meeting of the Parliament on December 3, 2013 and rejected. Only 186 MPs of Ukraine voted for this draft resolution.

Law-enforcement system and justice

MPs of Ukraine Andrii Kozhemiakin, Iryna Lutsenko, Hennadii Moskal (AUU Batkivshchyna), Iryna Herashchenko (UDAR), and Andrii Mishchenko (AUU Svoboda) have registered draft law on making amendments to some laws regarding intervals during serving sentence. MPs have proposed to provide the possibility of making intervals during serving sentence for a person convicted to deprivation or restriction of liberty. The bill provides that the court shall take decision regarding making intervals during serving sentence. Intervals during serving sentence can be allowed for persons, who fell sick during the period of serving sentence, and cannot comply with the terms of penal law. This bill is an interim result of discussions regarding issues of selective justice and release of Yu. Tymoshenko. These very MPs have prepared a draft law on implementation of the principle of humanism during performance of certain types of sentences some time ago (#3599). This draft law secures the right for staying at health care facilities outside the penitentiary for convicted individuals (including foreign facilities). Unfortunately, the Temporary working group of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on preparation of the draft law regarding the possibility of treatment abroad for persons sentenced to imprisonment, failed to find common solutions.

Nataliia Ahafonova, Valerii Patskan (UDAR), Andrii Pyshnyi (AUU Batkivshchyna), Oleh Makhnitskyi (AUU Svoboda) have proposed to decrease the number of courts and strengthen their authorities (#3678). In particular, according to the bill, the right to appoint and discharge court heads and their deputies (with the exception of the Supreme Court of Ukraine) will be shifted from the Supreme Council of Justice to the assembly of judges in every court, and their time of service will be not 5 years but 3. Instead, the bill rejects conferences and councils of judges in general and specialized courts.

Draft law #3541-1, introduced by members of three opposition parties (Oleh Tiahnybok, Viktor Chumak, Andrii Kozhemiakin, and others), became quite resonant. The bill provides a fundamental reorganization of the prosecution system. New district and regional prosecuting offices will be formed; the Office of the Prosecutor Genera will be reformed. The jurisdiction of every district prosecution offices will extend to the territory of today's 3-4 territorial districts.

National Security and Defense

Andrii Shevchenko, Iryna Lutsenko (AUU Batkivshchyna), and Valerii Patskan (UDAR) have initiated the widening of grounds for passing alternative non-military service (#3663). According to the bill, not only religion, but also other beliefs may be reason for passing alternative non-military service.

Introduction of holidays and memorable dates

A group of MPs (Ihor Palytsia, non-faction; Kateryna Vashchuk, the Party of Regions; and Adam Martyniuk, the CPU, and others) have introduced draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on celebration of 75th anniversary of creation of Volyn oblast.

Local self-governments

Davyd Zhvaniia (non-faction), Oleh Syrotiuk (AUU Svoboda), Ruslan Kniazevych (AUU Batkivshchyna), and Oleh Paraskiv (Party of Regions) have prepared a draft resolution on inclusion of city of Burshtyn, which is in Halytskyi raion of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, to the cities of regional significance (#3647).

Environment and natural resource management

16 MPs (Serhii Kivalov, Oleksandr Presman, the Party of Regions; Eduard Hurvits, UDAR, and others) have prepared draft law on the announcement of natural area of Kuyalnik estuary in Odessa Oblast as a resort of national importance (#3655).