Observers of Civil Network OPORA have noticed campaigning materials of MP candidate Viktor Pylypyshyn on pillars near the DEC #223 (Scherbakova st.), near the PEC #801010 (School #199), and PEC #801037 (School #175).

We remind that according to the Article 70(3) of the Law of Ukraine on Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine: "Election campaigning on the eve of the day of voting and on the day of voting shall be prohibited. During the same period of time, it shall be prohibited to hold mass events (meetings, rallies, marches, demonstrations, picketing) on behalf of a party that has registered MP candidates in the nationwide election district, or on behalf of the MP candidates; to distribute campaign materials; or to make public announcements about support by a party or an MP candidate for concerts, performances, sport competitions, demonstration of films or television programs, or other public events."


For comment, please contact:
Taras Chmut,
Coordinator of the observation campaign during repeated parliamentary elections, Civil Network OPORA in Kyiv city