According to OPORA's observers, a list of voters at PEC #801025 in Kyiv (dancing school), who will vote at the polling station, was corected in the morning on December, 15 and was finally formed at 8 am. A full list comprised 2 343 people. Based on the information about the voters living at the area covered by the station #801025, PEC decided to exclude three people from the list beacuse they were registered outside the area covered by the polling station.

OPORA notices that according to the par. 2 art. 42 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Parliamentary Elections" changes to the voting lists should only be done if there is an appropriate decision issued by the court. There was no court decision relevant to this case hence the PEC members breached current election legislation.

Taras Chmut,
Coordinator of the observation campaign during repeated parliamentary elections, Civil Network OPORA in Kyiv city