Many cases of illegal election advertising were revealed today at bus stations, trees, information desks. OPORA’s observer in a district #197 found campaign posters and even billboards in different areas around the district.

Near a polling station #710306 (election district #197) in the village of Khutir (Kaniv rayon) trees are covered with posters advertising Andriy Patoka and Serhiy Tyshchenko.

Nearby another polling station in the village of Pekari (Kaniv rayon) observers also revealed posters advertising several candidates.

If one can believe that they forgot to remove the posters, the billboard should have been noticed for sure. There are still billboards placed in Kaniv advertising the candidate in the district #197 Victor Royenko, in particular the one revealed in Lenina street.

Campaign advertising materials placed on the the Election Day, including those near the polling stations, contradict the Law of Ukraine “On the Elections…”. In particular, art. 74, par. 23 says that “Pre-election campaign materials should be removed at latest at 12 pm on Friday before the voting day by the services of local bodies of executive power and the bodies of local self-government”. 






For further information, please contact:
Serhiy Varych,
Election Programs coordinator,
Civil Network OPORA in Cherkasy oblast
063 628 67 80