OPORA activists continue to observe the conduct of voting process at repeated parliamentary elections. As of 1 pm the most typical violations revealed at PECs are unauthorized people staying at polling stations and disclosure of secret voting.

Unauthorized people staying at polling stations that goes in contradiction to the current election legislation, are observed at 21% of the stations in a district #94. The violation was also revealed at 9% of the polling stations in a district #194 and at 8% of stations in the districts #197, 223.

Voting results were disclosed at 14% of polling stations in a district #223, at 9% of stations in a district #94, at 8% - in #194 and at 2% of polling stations in a district #197. Similar cases were also observed in the districts #194, 223.

Transporting voters from their homes to polling stations was observed at 7% of polling stations in a district #94, at 5% of stations in a district #223.

At 3% of polling stations in a district #194 voters were trying to take pictures of their ballots.

At some stations in districts #94 and 194 observes revealed attempts to buy voters’ votes.

Information is being regularly updated.


Information is being regularly updated.





Attention! At 8:30pm, online streaming from every of 5 district election commissions (223, 94, 197, 194, and 132) will be organized by Civil Network OPORA. Voters, observers, and journalists will be able to monitor the receipt of protocols of precinct election commissions in 5 problematic districts and record the results of count. Besides that, our observers in commissions will invite representatives of candidates, headquarters, and observers to assess the course of the Election Day. We hope that transparency of the electoral process will positively influence one of the most important stages of the campaign: determination of vote count results and activities of DECs on the last stage of the elections.
Online broadcasting at OPORA's web-page: www.oporaua.org