Head of the PEC #480675 Kazymyr Arkadiiovych Pashkovskyi has forbidden an official observer representing the candidate Arkadii Kornatskyi to move freely in the polling station. Such information was provided to a mobile group of the Civil Network OPORA from the official observer Yurii Opanasovych Rozumiak, representing Mr. Kornatskyi.

According to Mr. Rozumiak, Head of the PEC said that it's not allowed to move around the polling station, observe how the ballots are issued to the voters, and stand near ballot boxes. So to say, such activities obstruct to members of PECs fulfilling their duties.

The official observer has drawn up protocol, which will be considered after 8:00pm.

For comment, please contact:
Olena Kabashna, 
Election Programs Coordinator 
Civil Network OPORA in Mykolaiv oblast 