On the polling station #711092 (district #194) in the Cherkasy City Maternity Home "Center of Mother and Child" Communal Institution, located at the address 30 Rokiv Peremohy 16/2 st., an observer from OPORA is not allowed to monitor the voting process. The polling station is closed, a doctor with members of the PEC are visiting voters in their wards. After the observer bought a sterile dressing set, the doctor said that it's not enough and he needs a sanitary certificate to come into wards or even stand on the porch. Doctor's answer was recorded on video.

This is a violation of the Article 86(12) of the Law of Ukraine on Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine. During a voting at the place of stay, MP candidates, their proxies, authorized persons from parties, and official observers have the right to be present.

For comment, please contact:
Serhii Varych,
Election Programs Coordinator
Civil Network OPORA in Cherkasy oblast