On November 18, 2013 in UNIAN IA (Kyiv city, 4 Khreshchatyk St.), Civil Network OPORA will hold a press-conference, during which the organization will present interim report on the results of election observation campaign started a month ago to watch re-election in 5 problematic districts #94, 132, 194, 197, and 223.

Participants of the event will announce interim results of the candidate registration process, explain differences between this year's voting in 5 districts and those conducted the last year, and analyze activities of district election commissions, as well as rotations in their membership.

The assessment of election process in five districts will be presented by:

  • Olha Aivazovska, Electoral and Parliamentary Programs Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA.
  • Oleksandr Kliuzhev, Observation Campaign Analyst (Donetsk city).
To get the accreditation, call at +38(063) 616 04 81.
Detailed information:
Yurii Khorunzhyi,
Press-secretary of the Civil Network OPORA

+38(063) 616 04 81