Managing positions (Head, Deputy Heads, and Secretaries) of the DECs were taken by 4 representatives of the AUU Batkivshchyna, 2 of the UDAR, and 1 of the Party of Regions. The other representatives belong to the parties with no representation in the Parliament. All 5 commissions have 18 members each.

On October 24, the Central Election Commission has conducted the drawing of lots in order to select members of the DECs for the re-election in problematic districts to be held on December 15. The procedure of drawing lots was quite different from those used during 2012 Parliamentary elections. In 2012, the lots with names of parties were used. Such an approach resulted in complains from political parties, observers, and international organizations. They believed that cards with names have limited the number of possible combinations in memberships of DECs. This time, lots were numbered with sequence numbers of candidates (in alphabetical order) in lists of all parties. Therefore, candidacies from different parties were included.

On October 25, the CEC has announced lists of members in the DECs. Heads of the DECs:

in district 223 – Kramarenko Inna Leonidivna from the AUU Batkivshchyna;

in district 94 – Derevenets Dmytro Oleksandrovych from the Narodna Initsiatyva (People's Initiative);

in district 194 – Kozko Olha Ivanivna from the Narodna Initsiatyva;

in district 197 – Syvun Petro Ivanovych from the Raiduha green environmental party;

in district 132 – Bohdan Nila Ivanivna from the Derzhava party;

Deputy heads of Commissions:

in district223 – Fedorov Volodymyr Mykolaiovych from the Spravzhnia Ukraina;

in district 94 – Lakyza Serhii Mykolaiovych from the UDAR;

in district 194 – Mykolenko Vasyl Oleksandrovych from the AUU Batkivshchyna;

in district 197 – Korzhov Volodymyr Leonidovych from the AUU Batkivshchyna;

in district 132 – Kozak Svitlana Ivanivna from the AUU Batkivshchyna;

Secretaries of Commissions:

in district 223 – Verbytska Hanna Stepanivna from the UDAR;

in district 94 – Viktorov Yevhen Volodymyrovych from the Youth Party of Ukraine;

in district194 – Popova Olena Yurivna from the Spravedlyva Ukraina;

in district197 – Liubanenko Tetiana Andriivna from the AUU Yedyna Rodyna;

in district 132 – Albeshchenko Oleksandr Vadymovych from the Party of Regions.

According to the results of sortition, more than 30 of 42 political parties were included into district commissions. Deputy Head of the CEC Andrii Mahera was dissatisfied with the fact that the CEC had to create DECs before the registration was over, because these processes are closely connected. He is convinced that members of the DECs should be selected from parliamentary factions only, and PECs from parliamentary, non-parliamentary, and majoritarian MPs. This is because the registration of MPs has to be finished when the PECs are created. "I would act against my conscience if I said that all these parties which have delegated their representatives to district commission are serious political projects, which are intended to participate in the electoral process and gain mandates in the Verkhovna Rada." – stated Andrii Mahera. He is convinced that a special attention should be paid to bodies which register these political parties and whether their requirements are just. 

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