On October 16, 2013 Civil Network OPORA has launched a large-scale monitoring campaign in 5 problematic districts, which includes long- and short-term observation. The organization will attract more than 600 activists to conduct the parallel vote tabulation and qualitative observation during the Election Day. OPORA will systematically inform the public about the course of election campaign, as well as whether subjects of the election process observe the electoral legislation, officials participate in the race, and all the interested parties adhere to generally recognized international standards. The organization is also planning to secure on-line broadcasting from the DECs during receipt of protocols of precinct election commissions. Large-scale civic observation is aimed to prevent violations and abuses during the vote count process.

Reported by OPORA representatives during a press-conference held in the UNIAN IA on October 16.

Long-term observers fill focus on the analysis of electoral campaign and observance of legislation and procedures on its every stage. On December 15, OPORA observers will concentrate on the largest and the most problematic districts in 2012: #132 centered in Pervomaisk city (Mykolaiv oblast), #94 centered in Obukhiv city (Kyiv oblast), and #197 centered in Kaniv city (Cherkasy oblast). Activists will cover 100% of polling stations in these districts. Besides that, OPORA will secure qualitative observation with not less than 50% coverage in small districts #223 (Kyiv city) and #194 centered in Cherkasy city. However, the organization is working on extending observation to the maximum number of districts.

Civic activists, who are ready to adhere to the standards of independent observation, are welcome to join the campaign.

During the Election Day, observers will send not less than five reports containing information about the situation on their polling stations, detected violations, voter turnout, and vote count results at the end of the day. OPORA will conduct the parallel vote tabulation, and is planning to receive original protocols right after they are filled in and signed by commission members.

OPORA is planning to organize non-stop live broadcasting from district election commissions during the receipt of protocols of PECs, in order to make this process as open and transparent as it can be for all the interested parties in Ukraine. Besides that, observers, headquarters of candidates, meetings with experts will be also broadcasted live.

OPORA is looking for information partners among the media, interested in constant operative information coverage by observers, articles and columns about the situation in 5 problematic districts, video broadcasting from the event, and invites the media to cooperation.

Civic activists, who are ready to adhere to the standards of independent observation, are welcome to join the campaign. Sample form for the registration of civic observers:  http://goo.gl/wcizRq 




For comment, please contact:
Olha Aivazovska,
Electoral and Political Programs Coordinator
063 617 97 50,  [email protected]