The Committee of Voters of Ukraine, Civil Network OPORA, and International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) are holding a roundtable titled: "AMENDMENTS TO THE LAW ON PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: EXPEDIENCY, CONTENT, PRIORITIES", to be conducted on October 15, 2013 in the Rus' Hotel at the address: Kyiv city, 4 Hospitalna St. (first floor) The event will be held from 10am to 1pm, registration starts at 9.30am.

The goal of event is to develop a joint vision of politicians, experts, and representatives of international community on priorities and directions for further improvement of the Law on Election of the President of Ukraine. This joint vision will become a foundation for elaboration of this Law in the nearest future.

To participate the panel discussion, we have invited: MPs of Ukraine, members of the Central Election Commission, representatives of state authorities, election law experts, representatives of the diplomatic corps and organizations, and journalists.

Sample form to register for the participation and accreditation


The Law on Election of the President of Ukraine is not the most imperfect electoral law, but a number of its regulations were criticized by the politicians, as well as domestic and foreign experts. The Law doesn't provide the possibility to conduct civic observation during the election process, allows to correct voter lists in one our before the election ends, contains serious shortcomings and gaps in regulation of election commissions, vote count, and determination of voting results. The constitutionality of restrictions on the right to choose and be chosen, particularly for people who have a prior record, is still under discussion. The experts are mainly concentrated on elaboration of the Law of Ukraine On Elections of People's Deputies. At the same time, as long as international standards don't recommend to amend the electoral legislation less than a yeas before the election, the amendment of the Law of Ukraine On Election of the President of Ukraine should be finished before March 2014.

For comment, please contact:

Yurii Khorunzhyi,
Press-secretary of the Civil Network OPORA