In September, MPshave registered 342 draft laws and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In contrast to the previous months, when economic and financial issues were topical, MPs were mostly interested in political issues and improvement of the state governance. These issues were covered by 33% of draft laws on the beginning of the III session. Such information on law-making activeness of the VRU in September 2013 was provided by analysts of the Civil Network OPORA.

A quarter of draft laws, registered in September, concerned economic reforming, as well as improvement of financial and administrative processes. 13% of bills were aimed to facilitate the development of law-enforcement and judicial systems, as well as fighting against corruption. 10% of draft laws concerned social issues and standards, 6% – humanitarian policy, 5% – introduction of holidays and memorable dates. Foreign affairs, security and defense, local self-government, environment issues, and health care were not very popular.

The following parties have registered the biggest number of draft laws: the Party of Regions – 196 draft laws and resolutions; AUU Batkivshchyna – 63; CPU – 29; AUU Svoboda – 11. Members of the UDAR have registered 9 draft laws, what is the smallest amount among factions. In September, 22 draft laws were jointly registered by representatives of different factions. Non-faction deputies have prepared 12 drafts.

All the parliamentary factions were focused on different issues in their draft laws. AUU Batkivshchyna, AUU Svoboda, UDAR, and non-faction MPs were paying special attention to economic issues. These very issues were also prioritized by interfaction draft laws, which were jointly submitted by representatives of different factions. MPs of the Party of Regions were concentrated on political issues and state governance, and members of the CPU were actively working on social problems and standards.


72% of draft laws, registered by representatives of the Party of Regions (142 documents) – are formal resolutions on rejection of a draft law, sending it for further elaboration, or adoption in the first reading. Besides that, 86 of these resolutions concern the appointment of special local elections.

Members of the AUU Batkivshchyna Oleksandr Bryhynets and Andrii Pavlovskyi introduced a draft law on the video registration by policemen and Ruslan Kniazevych registered the bill on Making Amendments to the Law of Ukraine on the Election of the President of Ukraine. These draft laws became the most resonant. Besides that, Mr. Kniazevych proposed to grant official observers from civic organizations the status of the election process subject, with all the corresponding powers.

Members of the Communist Party were quite active in September. They paid special attention to the transference of the state and communal property to the concession, securing the proper labor safety at enterprises, and the right of joint ownership of apartment buildings. Besides that, MPs have taken care of the Parliament's publicity issues. The corresponding draft law provides air time for MPs on radio and TV channels, which are founded or co-founded by state authorities, organizations, or establishments that are fully or partly financed from the State Budget. It was proposed to provide air time in the evening – from 6pm to 10pm.

Draft laws, registered by the AUU Svoboda, are aimed to neutralize consequences of so-called pension reform, strengthen controlling powers of MPs, canceling environmental tax for the transport vehicle utilization, facilitation of street trading in temporary facilities.

In contrast to the previous months, members of the UDAR haven't registered any draft laws on justice and fighting against corruption issues. Key issues considered by the UDAR party members during the last month were: securing the food quality, simplifying business regulations, availability of high-quality drinking water, appointment of special elections of Kyiv Mayor and City Council.

Full text of the article Law-making activeness of the VRU in September, 2013.