The Central Election Commission has refused to register an initiative group of the CPU calling for the holding of a nationwide referendum on Ukraine's accession to the Customs Union. All the CEC members present on the meeting voted in support of such resolution.

According to the deputy Head of the CEC Andrii Mahera, initiators violated the Article 30 of the Law of Ukraine on National Referendum, which provides that initiators shall inform the Central Election Commission in written about the date, time, place, and purpose of an assembly of citizens regarding a nationwide referendum, at least five calendar days before its holding. However, the terms of submission were violated and the CEC received notification only 4 days before.

Besides that, in the correspondence to the Court decision, the Commission didn't delegate it's official representative to the meeting.

We remind that on September 8, at the Spartak stadium, citizens held an assembly regarding accession to the Customs Union organized by the Communist Party of Ukraine. Despite the Court had ruled to prohibit this assembly, the CPU submitted documents for registration of an initiative group on holding a nationwide referendum to the CEC.

Moreover, in spite of the court prohibition, member of the CEC Yurii Donchenko attended the assembly on September 8. He informed journalists that he came as a physical person there.


While the CEC was holding its meeting, supporters of the Communists and the Ukrainian Choice public initiative were rallying near its building.