On April 24, 2013 the Pechersk District Court has canceled resolution of the senior investigator of Pecherskyi district administration of Central Administration of MIA of Ukraine in Kyiv city regarding closure of criminal proceedings concerning DDos attacks on site of the Civil Network OPORA during the Election Day. Investigation of hacker attacks will be continued.

In the end of March, OPORA has received a resolution on closure of criminal proceedings, dated January 22, in which the senior investigator of Pecherskyi district administration of Central Administration of MIA of Ukraine has resolved to close criminal proceedings, explaining that the fact of substantial damage caused to OPORA is not ascertained, and the fact of hacker attack is not confirmed.

However, the resolution of investigator didn't contain any information regarding verification of OPORA's arguments, and conclusions on the absence of evidences of a criminal offense under the Article 361 of the CrC of Ukraine (unlawful interference with operation of computers, systems, and computer networks), under which the pre-trial investigation was initiated. Besides that, the statement of Civil regarding criminal offense was listed to the Single register of pre-trial investigation under one number, and the resolution of the investigator is listed under another number.

These very facts were stated in the resolution of Pecherskyi Court, which have satisfied OPORA's claim. Decision of the judge may be appealed within five days.

OPORA's lawyer says, that there were no successful examples of proving hacker attacks in Ukraine yet. "If OPORA will manage to do it – it will be a precedent."

We remind that sites oporaua.org and map.oporaua.org and the hosting were disabled due to hacker attacks against them. DDos attack was conducted outside Ukraine, in particular in China and Korea. Having analyzed ip-addresses of computers, it was found that the attack was conducted by more than 3,000 machines. Due to the DDos attack of hosting, OPORA had to delay the promulgation of quick count results.

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