20th of March, 2013
Hotel “Vozdvyzhensky”
60-a,b Vozdvyzhenska str.,

The European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) and Civil Network OPORA would like to invite you to the Final Conference of their joint EU funded Project “Enhanced civic engagement with reforms in Ukraine in the framework of European Neighbourhood Policy” to be held on Wednesday the 20th of March 2013 in Kyiv.

The event aims at sharing with the wider public the results of the project as well as at reflecting on the further steps to be taken by the Ukrainian government in two areas that have been identified as key by the project monitoring experts: the area of electoral reform and the one of human rights.

It thus aims at providing a platform on the way to “move forward” in 2013, in a period that shall without any doubt be crucial for the future of the EU-Ukraine relationships. We truly believe that participation of civic experts and activists, MPs, state officials and diplomats in such discussions will help inform the public on the steps necessary for democratic changes within the country.

Topics to be discussed:

Election legislation reform

  • Adoption of the Election Code;
  • Implementing  recommendations of the OSCE regarding parliamentary elections in Ukraine;
  • Overcoming violations revealed on Parliamentary elections, 2012
  • Conduct of rerun elections in five single-seat constituencies where results were not acknowledged by the CEC.

Observing human rights

  • Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights;
  • Introduction of a new Criminal Procedural Code;
  • Observing right on freedom of assembly;
  • Introduction of a National preventive mechanism against torture and ill-treatment.

Please fill in the registration form to participate in the conference (till 18th of March, 6 PM).

docx Draft_Agenda_eng_KW.docx

Agenda will be available at opora.org.ua and eu-ukraine.org. Conference opening is scheduled at 9:30 AM, closing – 4 PM.

Additional Information:
EPD and OPORA will cover participants’ travel expenses. For any additional questions please contact Iryna Shvets at 0636286840.