OPORA observers, having received the copies of protocols of determination of the voting results in the districts of Volhynian Oblast, have found inaccuracies.

As it is known, every district election commission shall draw up two protocols of the voting results — the protocol of voting results in the national district within the single-member district, and the protocol of voting results in the single-member district. These are two separate legal documents which actually aren't connected in any way.

However, both protocols have two paragraphs which quantitative indicators should match — they are the total amount of voters included in the voter lists (paragraph 6 in the DEC protocols), and the number of voters included in the abstracts from the voter list at the polling stations of the single-member district (paragraph 7 in the DEC protocols).   These numbers should match because they are determined according to the data of the same revised voter list and its abstract from each PEC. Mismatch of these numbers in both protocols is the reason for the CEC to send the protocols for revision.

Indeed, according to the protocol of voting, there were 159,338 people in the single-member district No.23 in the voter lists when according to the protocol of voting in the multi-member district — 159,439 people. This is when these two figures are taken from one voter list! However, the number of voters included in the abstract of the voter list in both protocols matched — 5,104.

The same error also occur in protocols of other district election commission. For example, in the electoral district No.19, the number of voters, according to the protocol of voting in the single-member district amounts to 144,611 when according to the protocol of voting in the multi-member district — to 144,711. Thus, there is a mismatch of figures again. By the way, the number of voters included in the abstract from the voter list in both protocols is equal and amounts to 4,857 people.

Most inaccuracies occur in the protocols of DEC No.22. When according to the protocol of voting results, there were 158,871 voters in the single-member district in Lutsk, then, according to the protocol of voting results, there were much less voters among Lutsk residents in the multi-member district. There is also a mismatch in the number of voters who voted outside the station — according to the first protocol (single-member), there are 1,416 such voters when according to the second one (multi-member) — 1,438, which is impossible.

The number of voters included in the voter lists at the polling stations of the single-member district (paragraph 6 in the DEC protocols)


Single-Member District

National District










The number of voters included in the abstracts from the voter list at the polling stations of the single-member district (paragraph 7 in the DEC protocols)


Single-Member District

National District










We have already repeatedly reported of inaccuracies in the protocols of the DEC No.21.

Thus, there are inaccuracies in protocols of the voting results of district election commissions, because of which the CEC will send them for revision. That is what happened to the DEC No.23. Last week, this district commission was the first among Volhynian commissions to submit its protocols to the CEC but yesterday the DEC was informed about the need to draw up a protocol with a mark “Revised”. The reason was a mismatch of the number of voters in the voter list from both protocols. We assume that similar notices were also received by other district election commission, which now have to draw up revised protocols.

Press Service of the Civil Network OPORA in Volhynian Oblast
For more details
Election Programmes Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA in Volhynian Oblast
067 416 50 86
Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience.  From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures.