According to the information reported by OPORA observers, today, November 3, at 10.00 am, the DEC #20 is going to hold a meeting

A meeting, on which the district's vote count protocol was to be approved, has been later postponed to 12.00 am. |It turned out, that another two precinct election commissions were also under consideration. (There may be even more, the information is being specified.)

Besides that, there are court litigations conducted simultaneously. In particular,according to the information reported to the OPORA, Volyn district administrative court has dismissed a claim, which was filed by a self-nominated candidate Borys Zahrev, against the District commission for the second time today.

The District election commission in Horokhiv provides observers no information about reasons for a delay in the approval of the summarizing protocol.

The Civil Network OPORA continues monitoring activities of the district election commission and will report any changes.

Press-service of the Civil Network OPORA in Volyn oblast

Detailed information:
Electoral programs coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA in Volyn oblast
067 416 50 86


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures.