The district commission #194  in Cherkasy city has just signed and stamped two protocols  in a membership of 9 people. Therefore, they have entered into operation and determined the district's winner Mykola Bulatetskyi, an MP candidate from the Fatherland All- Ukrainian Union. The protocols have already been given to members of the DEC and placed on the stand. The commission is going to transfer them to the Central Election Commission now

We remind, that according to the data on the CEC website, 100%  results from polling stations have already been processed by the DEC #194 on November 1,  but a rough competition between Mykola Bulatetskyi and a self-nominated candidate Valentyna Zhukovska, with a margin of 12 373 votes according to the CEC website, has ended only now.


For comment, please contact:
Serhii Varych
Electoral programs coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA
in Cherkasy oblast
 063 62 86 780


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures.