Vote counting in Bila Tserkva was held with violations, and victory was taken away from Svoboda member, member of DEC No.90 Kostiantyn Klymchuk is convinced.

He expressed a dissenting opinion on it, which asked to be included into the final protocol. “I don't agree with the decision of DEC No.90 on approval of the protocol of voting,” the document says, “since the protocol is prepared with violations.” Kostiantyn Klymchuk is convinced that Oleh Marchenko has won in this electoral district. “Number of votes stated in the final protocol very much differs from votes recorded in the precinct protocols. This distorts election results, and violates the right of voters to elect, and of candidates — to be elected,” stated Klymchuk.

Representatives of headquarters of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda and UDAR claimed similar inaccuracies. According to protocol data of the PEC brought to the headquarters by observers of oppositional parties, number of votes for candidates for Deputy looks as follows —

O.O. Marchenko —  34,857

V.O. Chudnovskyi — 33,464

L.B. Dryhalo — 12,557

R.M. Hryhoryshyn — 8,554

Kostiantyn Klymchuk requires DEC No.90 to prepare a revised protocol which would match the actual expression of will of Bila Tserkva citizens. “Dissenting opinion” of the member of district election commission No.90 was included in the final protocol and forwarded to the CEC.

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Tetiana Vyhovska