Currently, DEC No.223 is working very slowly. However, the atmosphere is tense. Members of Svoboda claim fraud and hope for the arrival of Head of the CEC.

In the morning, representatives of Svoboda announced total fraud in favour of Viktor Pylypyshyn. Member of Svoboda Oleksandr Aronets stated that at night, after the DEC sent some PECs for revision, ballots for Levchenko could have been damaged. An OPORA observer described several events which took place at the DEC meeting.

At station No.800992, candidate Ihor Lutsenko, who was withdrawn, was mentioned in the protocol. Despite objections of the observers, members of the DEC accepted the documents of this precinct commission. According to stamped copies of the protocols, Pylypyshyn had a significant advantage at this station. 797 votes against 266 for Levchenko.

However, members of PEC No.800976 were sent for recounting instead of the usual revision. The reason was that in one copy of the protocol, one row on the national district wasn't filled out.

Protocols from Lukyanivka Remand (PEC No.000001) were approved by members of the DEC without any problem. There Viktor Pylypyshyn gained 1,200 votes. Afterwards, the candidate of Svoboda Yurii Levchenko read the statement of one of the voters who voted at that station. He stated that in the remand, people were forced to put blank ballots into the boxes, or vote for Pylypyshyn.  Afterwards, at the DEC, disputes on reliability of this statement have begun. 

A member of the DEC Oleksandr Burkivskyi (Ukrainian Party Green Planet) has repeatedly proposed to remove members of Svoboda, and check their documents to remove unwanted people.  This, again, caused heated disputes.

The OPORA observer also assumes that deliberate delay in entering data to the CEC server has also occurred.

Furthermore, athletic young men entered the premises of the DEC at night. They called themselves observers and refused to leave the premises. 

They were the ones who provoked the fight outside.

Video by Vitalii Manko

In the morning, it was reported that those people showed journalist passes.

Now there are many journalists in the DEC.  Members of the CEC have already come several times to explain the district commission its duties and the degree of responsibility for violations.

However, representatives of Victor Pylypyshyn say that opposition members are the ones putting pressure on members of the DEC.

For comment, please contact:
Olha Havryliuk,
Coordinator of the Parliamentary Election Public Observation Campaign in the city of Kyiv
(063) 715 03 63
Halyna Budivska,
Press Secretary of the Parliamentary Elections Observation Campaign in the city of Kyiv
(097) 746 89 08