Last night, all members of the district election commission No.215 finally signed the final protocol, and it was forwarded to the CEC. 

It was preceded with the check of protocols of all the PECs as some members of the DEC refused to sign the victory of Svoboda member Andrii Illienko. This was reported by an OPORA observer. 

He also told that last night, the final protocol was read out in the presence of five members of the DEC. The others had disappeared, and appeared only in the end but refused to sign the protocol which recorded the victory of Svoboda member over Halyna Hereha. Secretary and Deputy Head were especially radical. According to unofficial information, Secretary of the DEC is the wife of the Head of Halyna Hereha's headquarters.

The commission assembled again yesterday at 3pm to sign the protocol but it was agreed that all the protocols from all the stations should have been checked. After that, the voting result announced before was confirmed.

When it was rather quiet inside the DEC, fights were regularly occurring outside the building, and even tear gas was used.

For comment, please contact:
Olha Havryliuk
Coordinator of the Parliamentary Election Public Observation Campaign in the city of Kyiv
(063) 715 03 63
Halyna Budivska
Press Secretary of the Parliamentary Elections Observation Campaign in the city of Kyiv