Vote counting still continues at the district election commission of the electoral district No.21 in the town of Kovel.

According to the CEC website, less than 2% of protocols remain to be processed. OPORA observers reported violations coming as no surprise — rewriting of protocols. However, here, members of the PEC did it on tables before the members of the district commission. Also, members of the PEC didn't pack them into special bags.

Around 7pm, power was cut for ten minutes.

Let us remind that yesterday, on 29 October, opposition candidate Ihor Huz announced hunger strike in the commission to protest against gross violations of the DEC as well as demand from the commission members to consider a dozen of his complaints.

As it is known, the DEC has been refusing the candidate to consider his complaints. Later, Head of the district commission dismissed the lawyer as he was interpreteing legal provisions incorrectly.

By the way, DEC 21 is one of the two DECs which haven't counted all the votes yet. DEC of the electoral district No.20 in the town of Horokhiv is also still counting votes.

Press Service of the Civil Network OPORA in Volhynian Oblast
For more details
Election Programmes Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA in Volhynian Oblast
067 416 50 86


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience.  
From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures.  
In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA is carrying out a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizing a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.