In Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, during the registration of official observers, OPORA faced problems created by the representatives of DECs. Indeed, DECs No.88 and No.89, during the submission of documents for registration of official observers, required electronic submission of information, which is not stipulated by the law. In the case of no submission of information on a data storage device, they threatened to deny registration.
DECs No.85 and No.86 ran out of forms of passes for officials observers of NGOs, that is why OPORA can't get passes for observers registered in these two districts. The CEC hasn't provided district election commissions with sufficient number of forms, and when they ran out of that small number of forms, the DECs didn't take care of additional order of forms for passes from the CEC. Thus, from 7 districts in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, OPORA observers obtained passes only in five districts.