Last week, residents of the electoral district No.86 were handed out leaflets which stated that Bishop Emeritus of Ivano-Frankivsk Sophron Mudryi supported a self-nominated candidate in this district — Volodymyr Hrabovetskyi.

OPORA obtained the statement of Bishop Sophron Mudryi. “I, Bishop of Ivano-Frankivsk Eparchy Sophron Mudryi, hereby certify that I haven't given my blessing to use my name or pictures in election campaigning to Mr Volodymyr Hrabovetskyi since the Church is above politics, and moreover, I don't know this person.” The statement is sealed by Rector of Ivano-Frankivsk Theological Academy, which Sophron Mudryi has been for many years.

According to OPORA, last week, the Bishop's statement was read out in churches of the district 86 (centre in Dolyna).


Nataliia Holomidova
Press Secretary of the Parliamentary Elections 2012 Observation Campaign
in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
050 671 68 23
For comment, please contact:
Ivan Maruniak,
Coordinator of the Parliamentary Elections 2012 Observation Campaign
in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
063 628 67 68