On Sunday, 21 October at 8.30 am, an agent of MP candidate in district #83 from the UDAR party, Volodymyr Chornous, Henadii Chudak noticed two persons on Vovchynetska St. which peeled off and destroyed campaign posters of Vitaliy Klitschko's UDAR Party and posters of candidate Volodymyr Chornous

"I managed to catch them at a crossroad of Symonenko and Vovchynetska streets. One of young men said he was from headquarters of MP candidate Oleksandr Shevchenko, - told Henadii Chudak. – I called the police at 102 so that they could investigate the case. When young men saw that I called the police, they started calling someone by phones. In few minutes they were picked up from the place by Daewoo Lacetti with number АТ 3847 ВА.

We should mention that campaign posters from the UDAR party were placed on special stands installed in accordance with instructions of the City Council. Besides that, young men had rake with them, what means that they were prepared to such actions.

Representatives of the UDAR party appealed to the law enforcement bodies to find violators.

Nataliia Holomidova
Press-secretary of the observation campaign during 2012 Parliamentary elections
in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
For comment, please contact:
Ivan Maruniak,
Observation campaign coordinator during 2012 Parliamentary elections
in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
063 628 67 68