A deputy of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council from All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda Volodymyr Kolkovskyi was announced a subject of international retrieval. It was announced by the First deputy prosecutor of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast Volodymyr Havriushenko. "He was announced a subject of international retrieval", - said Havriushenko when answering on a question if the City Council deputy, against which was initiated a criminal case, was detained

The fact of receiving a 10 thousand dollars bribe by a man resembling Mr. Kolkovskyi was recorded on video and published on Youtube on last week. We could assume from the video that the bribe was for some official of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, maybe Oleh Harkota, and this fact was supposed to be confirmed on a meeting of the City Council. Havriushenko confirmed, that the Chairmen Ivano-Frankovsk City Council Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Oleh Harkot, which was detained by the police for bribe taking, is still in the hospital. The investigation of this case continues.

We remind, that on October 9, special-service agents were trying to detain the Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Oleh Harkota, property developer Volodymyr Balahura, and the leader of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda faction in the City Council Roman Onufriev, right in the center of Ivano-Frankivsk city. However, Mr. Onufriev and Mr. Balahura were released under the pressure from the crowd.


Nataliia Holomidova
Press-secretary of the observation campaign during 2012 Parliamentary elections
in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
For comment, please contact:
Ivan Maruniak,
Observation campaign coordinator during 2012 Parliamentary elections
in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
063 628 67 68