A self-nominated candidate in district #213, Valentyn Sokolovskyi, proposed voters to conclude a doubtful agreement with him

Envelopes, containing a cooperative agreement proposal (hiring a deputy) from a candidate Valentyn Sokolovskyi, a draft agreement and a card, were distributed to mailboxes on Balzaka St. (Desnianskyi district of Kyiv city). The card gives the right to have an out-of-time meeting with the MP of Ukraine, free legal aid, to use the hotline phone number, to receive information and assistance, legal, material and other aid, the right to recall the deputy by sending a copy of the agreement to the Secretariat of the VRU.

OPORA reminds, that it's not the first similar incidence. We have already written about the similar agreement, and OPORA's jurist Valerii Korniiko carried out  its legal evaluation.


For comment, please contact:
Olha Havryliuk
Observation campaign coordinator during 2012 Parliamentary elections in Kyiv city
Halyna Budivska
Press-secretary of the observation campaign during 2012 Parliamentary elections in Kyiv city