The MP candidate from the Fatherland United Opposition in the election distric #21 Ihor Huz was chased by unknown men on a car. The latter were detained by the police

It was reported by the candidate's press-service.

On Sunday evening, October 21, the MP candidate Ihor Huz was chased by unknown men on white VAZ motor vehicle. Mr. Huz noticed it when he was coming back home. He said that he remembered this car close to him during all public events in Kovel rayon.

In order to ascertain if the car is following him or not, he came back to his public reception and noticed that the car turn around and followed him. Therefore, he decided to call the police and determine who are those people in teh car and whether they have weapon. However, policemen didn't force men to come out of the car.  After demand to identify themselves, passengers of the VAZ said that they don't have any documents and only the driver shower his license. After policemen demanded to came out of the car and search in it, unknown men refused to do so and closed all the doors. In such a way they spent all night in the car, encircled by policemen, representatives of the Fatherland party and journalists.

Only in the morning policemen conducted the search. Representatives of the candidate think it wasn't thorough. Than policemen took men to the station for explanations.

"Similar reaction of the police means that those men will be released, that's all. In particular, those "so-called" search proved the inaction of policemen", - commented on the situation Ihor Huz.


Press-service of the Civil Network OPORA in Volyn oblast
Detailed information:
Election programs coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA in Volyn oblast
067 416 50 86


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures. In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA implements a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizes a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.