After analysing the election programmes of candidates for People's Deputy in Vinnytsia Oblast, it can be concluded that the majority of programmes contain mentions of the problems of employment and unemployment. The target group in this area is the youth. Candidates promise first job, legal guarantees of employment of university graduates, etc. At the same time, candidates pay much less attention to the problems of employment of senior citizens, which arise due to increase of the retirement age for women, and, literally, very few mention the employment of women, including of single mothers.

Candidates are not too concerned about the reflection of concerns of the society in the programmes, and mostly write thing which don't quite distinguish election programmes.

In general, the programmes demonstrate declarativity and lack of specific indicators, according to which their implementation could be traced. The point of „creation of jobs for young people“ is not bad but the question arises — how many jobs will be created? How much will youth employment increase? How will these jobs be created? At whose expense? Such questions prove that the authors of election programmes took their preparation formally.

Many programmes contain criticism of the reforms of social services, including health care, which is the subject of interest for Vinnytsia Oblast. Less attention is paid to the matters of education though they aren't less urgent for Vinnytsia Oblast.

Programmes submitted by candidates of the same party are similar in content. Apparently, this is a good thing since reforms need efforts of many people and a victory in the vote to a particular bill submitted by a single deputy.

Brief Description of the Programmes by District


In this district, 10 candidates stand for the election — 6 are nominated by parties, 4 are self-nominated candidates. In one programme, the mention of equal rights between men and women was found — this is the programme of Liudmyla Stanislavenko (UDAR). The candidate intends to achieve true equality of income and employment opportunities for men and women.

The most covered subject in the election programmes is employment, somehow mentioned in 6 programmes; and 5 programmes refer to youth employment. Among the implementation mechanisms, there are business incubators for young people in the oblast (Natalia Dobrynska, the Party of Regions), allocation of state quotas of jobs for young people (Liudmyla Stanislavenko, UDAR).

All the candidates in their programmes focus on social services. They promise to increase pensions and renew benefits, and take care of health care and education.

In the programme of Natalia Dobrynska, continuous monitoring of the execution of the city and district budget associated with provision of social security of citizens. Candidate Natalia Soloveiko suggests statutory regulation — in particular, to pass a law on mandatory state health insurance and establish by law the amount of health care services provided free of charge.

Viktor Antemiuk (self-nomination), on the contrary, supports abolition of certain laws — in particular, those which violate social constitutional guarantees of welfare beneficiaries.

Liudmyla Stanislavenko (UDAR) suggests to keep 100% of the income tax, land value tax, and property tax at the local level, and at the expense of these funds, to finance health care service and social assistance.

As for maintenance of children's institutions, here candidates declare more that suggest decisions. Natalia Dobrynska (the Party of Regions) and Vitalii Dobrovolskyi (self-nomination) suggest to focus more on the renewal of work of the children's sections, in particular, sports.

Valerii Bevz (the CPU) promises to stop the closure of schools and kindergartens. Vitalii Dobrovolskyi (self-nomination) supports the expansion of the network of kindergartens, development of extracurricular activities, and quality vocational training and higher education.


8 candidates stand for the election — this district is the leader of the minimum number of the nominated candidates. One candidate mentions the problems of women — Oleh Barchyshen (UDAR Party), he will work on securing gender equality in the area of employment.

Employment and unemployment is present in most programmes (5) as a priority, and in three programmes, the focus is on youth employment. The candidates see the mechanisms of problem solving such as allocation of state quotas for young people — Oleh Barchyshen (UDAR) and Yurii Iordanov (self-nomination) and Borys Maksymchuk (self-nomination) suggest to attract investments to create new jobs.

Social services rank high in the programmes. Pensions, health care, social assistance — most of the candidates promise if not to solve the problems, then focus on this subject. The following mechanisms of problem solving are suggested: Oleh Dmytriv (the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists) wants to introduce financial defined contribution pension system, Volodymyr Bazeliuk (the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda) — to cancel the pension reform and make pensionable service subject to life expectancy.

Ivan Bondarchuk (the Communist Party of Ukraine) suggests to cancel the health care reform and guarantee the implementation of constitutional provisions on health care. Oleh Barchyshen (UDAR)to keep 100% of income tax, land value tax, and property tax at the local level, and direct them to social services, the environment, and road maintenance. Volodymyr Bazeliuk (the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda) promises to create a modern Cancer Centre for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer in Vinnytsia.

Dmytro Kostyrko suggests to transfer power and authority for provision on certain social services to non-governmental and charity organisations.

Maintenance of Children's Institutions Borys Maksymchuk (self-nomination) promises to take care of securing the right for free education, and access to sections. Volodymyr Bazeliuk (the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda) promises to provide refurbishment of schools in Vinnytsia Raion.


The leader among the districts in the number of nominated candidates: 19 candidates stand for the election — 8 from parties, and 11 self-nominated candidates.

The traditional subject of election programmes — employment and social services — dominates in this district as well.

In addition to slogans about the attention to youth employment and te fight against unemployment, there are some features. Candidate Mykola Nehrub (the Political Party NEW POLITICS) in its programme writes about the creation of jobs not only for young people but also for senior citizens, and suggests to create incentives for employees. The candidate of UDAR, Oleh Poberezhnyi suggests allocation of state job quotas for young people but in his programme, he doesn't declare securing of gender equality in the area of employment.

In the social services, the programme of Yurii Haidaiev (the CPU) engages attention, where the steps that will be taken by the candidate for the improvement of health care are outlined specifically — in particular, he suggests, in 2013, to direct not less than 6% of the GDP of Ukraine to the development of medicine and health care, submit effectiveness of the pilot project of the medicine reform to the VR session, restore health assessment of people and mandatory preventive and diagnostic checks, and allocate funds in the 2013 budget for provision of village ambulatories and RHP with ultrasound machines, cardiographs, and laboratory equipment. To fully fund state programmes for tuberculosis, AIDS, drug addiction and alcoholism, cancer, and heart diseases.

As for the situation with pensions, the candidates, apart from slogans on “dignity”, suggest some mechanisms to ensure the growth of pensions — in particular, Iryna Herasymova (the European Platform) suggests to increase payments for welfare beneficiaries at the expense of abolition of excessive privileges for deputies and officials. Mykola Katerynchuk (the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland) supports establishments of uniform rules for calculation of pensions for everyone, and abolition of special pensions. Its amount will depend on three factors — employment record, work conditions, and wage. Mykola Nehrub (the Political Party NEW POLITICS) suggests bringing into effect a three-tier pension system — combination of solidarity and financial defined system and voluntary pension insurance. Oleh Poberezhnyi (UDAR) believes that everyone shall decide himself when to retire, by comparing his abilities with the size of bonus for each extra year.

In the field of family support, Ihor Dobrutskyi (self-nomination), Mykola Nehrub (the Political Party NEW POLITICS), and Petro Yurchyshyn (self-nomination) suggest to provide preferential loans to young families.

Children's institutions in the election programmes are mentioned less frequently. Candidate Ihor Zubko (self-nomination) declares creation of the programme on provision of educational institutions with motor transport, and suggest to bring pupils to school on specially equipped motor transport.


12 candidates are nominated — 6 self-nominated, and 6 are nominated by parties. In 8 programmes employment is mentioned; four candidates focus on the creation of jobs for young people. The programme of candidate Yurii Kozlovskyi (self-nomination), who promises priority employment for women and single mothers, stands out.

Social services among the problems, pension and medical reform are mentioned.

As for the improvement mechanisms, candidates suggest — in particular, Vasyl Zhovnir (self-nomination) — to calculate pensions according to the employment record and working conditions. Ivan Melnychuk (the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland) thinks that pensions should be calculated on the basis of three factors — employment record, working conditions, and earnings. Lidiya Zakusylova (the CPU) promises to enhance parliament control over compliance with the articles of the Constitution of Ukraine on free health care and free education. Yurri Kozlovskyi (self-nomination) will develop insurance medicine.

As for children's institutions, one should pay attention to the programme of the candidate of the Party of Regions Yurii Hnatiuk, who mapped out in detail what exactly (refurbishment, equipping a canteen, opening) he will do to arrange the operation of 6 kindergartens of the district. The question whether such activities are the responsibility of a People's Deputy of Ukraine remains rhetoric.

The programme of the candidate of the Ukraine — Forward Party of Nataliya Korolevska, Yurii Zahorodniuk is the most extraordinary in this district, it is entirely devoted to one problem — drinking water. As for the social services, the candidate suggests to develop and implement the programme of providing refined drinking water for kindergartens, schools, hospitals as well as to retired people and other disadvantaged populations. To provide the introduction of drinking water purifiers for public use and supply retired people and other disadvantaged populations with individual means of water treatment on special terms.

The equality of rights between men and women in employment is traditionally mentioned in the programme of the candidate of UDAR Party Kateryna Zelena.


12 candidates are nominated — 7 by parties, 5 are self-nominated candidates.

Candidates in the programmes of this district pay less attention to the employment problem. The programme of Vasyl Vovk (self-nomination) refers to employment of members of extended families. Kateryna Koval (self-nomination) promises to develop family business through soft lending. Mykola Dzhyha (the Party of Regions) lists companies which will renew their operations, or will be built as well as promises to build grain elevators for maximum conservation of the crop yield; restoration and renovation of animal breeding centres in the raions of the district; and development of gardening and olericulture, including building new fruit and vegetable stores. Oleh Leheza (UDAR Party) will ensure gender equality in employment.

Pension: Svitlana Melnyk (self-nomination), Serhii Prodan (the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda), and Oleksandr Tretyakov (the People's Party) suggest to abolish the pension reform. Oleksandr Rekalo (Radical Party of Oleh Liashko) promises that senior citizens shouldn't worry because everyone will have the pension that will be enough for food, medications, clothes, and overseas trips.

In the area of health care, Vasyl Vovk (self-nomination), Volodymyr Kovaliov (the CPU), and Oleksandr Tretyakov (the People's Party) promise to abolish the reform. Oleksandr Rekalo (Radical Party of Oleh Liashko) proposes to introduce insurance medicine.

Mykola Dzhyha (the Party of Regions) lists local health care facilities that will be refurbished and conditions improved, and also promises to develop air ambulance.

Development of children's institutions: Mykola Dzhyha (the Party of Regions) promises to complete construction the school and renovation of the kindergarten in the villages of the district.

The support of birth rate and family will be taken care of by Oleksandr Rekalo (Radical Party of Oleh Liashko), he promises to increase child benefit up to 100K UAH and deem a family of two as extended.


13 candidates are nominated — 5 by parties, the rest are self-nominated candidates. The problem of employment is reflected in 10 programmes, in terms of specific measures — the candidate of the Party of Regions Volodymyr Stoilov provides a list of companies to be restored or opened, and the embroidery factory in Klembivka is among them. This promise is perhaps the only one that can be considered a duty of a Deputy of Verkhovna Rada, considering the importance of Klembivka as a centre of traditional folk crafts as well as aimed primarily at women as workers of the factory. Mykhailo Losenko (UDAR Party) transforms provisions of the party programme and promises priority employment of young people, women, single mothers, and orphans. Oleh Lantukh (self-nomination)  considers granting tax exemptions to farms, including family farms, to be the way to eliminate rural unemployment. Oksana Kaletnyk (self-nomination) promises to reduce taxes for entrepreneurs who create new jobs.

In the social services, Ivan Holiovskyi (self-nomination) declares proper protection for a mother and a child though doesn't describe exactly how and what from; the same is declared by Ivan Poturnak (the CUN).

Oleh Lantukh (self-nomination) promises to abolish the pension reform. Surprisingly, none of the candidates is going to abolish the medical reform. Nataliya Vershko (Radical Party of Oleh Liashko), promises at the expense of liquidation of benefits of officials and deputies, to fund aid for “orphans, extended families, low income persons, retired people, disabled people, Chornobyl victims, children of the war, residents of rural areas, young families, and seriously ill people. Senior citizens shouldn't worry because everyone will have pension that will be enough for food, medications, clothes, and overseas trips.”

Oksana Kaletnyk (self-nomination) will facilitate the development of health care and education through the increase of wage for rural doctors and teachers, provision of benefits to them for payments for housing and utility, and transportation services, and provision of state accommodation.


13 candidates are nominated — 4 by parties, 9 are self-nominated candidates. Seven programmes mention employment. Here, the programme of Hryhorii Zabolotnyi (self-nomination) stands out, in which through the creation of village companies, it is planned to create jobs for young people and women. Fedir Kravets (UDAR) traditionally draws attention to gender equality in employment.

Social services: Anton Boichenko (self-nomination) promises to abolish medical reform, and Hryhorii Zabolotnyi (self-nomination) — to improve or terminate it.

Serhii Chumak (Ukrainian National Assembly) promises to introduce preventive medicine, and Volodymyr Volkovskyi (self-nomination) intends to clearly divide medical services into paid and free.


16 candidates were nominated — 4 by parties, 12 are self-nominated candidates. The feature of this district is the candidate of the party UDAR of Vitalii Klychko who doesn't have a point on gender equality in employment in his programme. In 9 programmes, there are mentions of the problem of employment, and the candidates declare at least their attention to it. Three programmes refer to youth employment, in particular — guaranteed first job.

Vasyl Baldyniuk (self-nomination) and Stanislav Kurovskyi (self-nomination) promise to abolish the pension reform; in other programmes, decent pensions are promised.

Kostiantyn Yakymenko (the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland) promises to review and terminate the medical reform, and Andrii Demchak, on the contrary, promises to reform the health care system and stiffen penalties for provision of poor health care. Natalia Myroliub intends to fix patronage of big business over education and health care institutions.

Natalia Myroliub (self-nomination) promises to strictly prohibit charges of parents at schools and kindergartens. Stepan Boloteniuk (Public Solidarity Party) promises support of children's literature, children's films, cartoons, and songs.

The monitoring was conducted under the procedure of the OSCE. Among the areas, which the methodology of the OSCE suggests to pay attention to, there are unemployment, underemployment, uncontrolled employment in the underground economy, family and reproductive system health planning, violence against women, family assistance, and maintenance of children's institutions. During the study, especially given the current situation, points on pension and medical reform were added. These areas are crucial for Ukraine since the retirement age or women was increased, and it is important to know how candidates imagine further developments. Vinnytsia Oblast is a pilot region for introduction of the medical reform, therefore, this subject is also one of the priorities for women.

Monitoring was conducted within the project The Right of Women for Politics, with the support of the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine.

For comment, please contact:
Oleh Levchenko
Election Programmes Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA
in Vinnytsia Oblast
063 777 02 05    
Halyna Seheda
Press Secretary of the Civil Network OPORA
in Vinnytsia Oblast
097 705 23 66      


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience.  
From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures.  
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