Natalia Mohylevska, Kharkiv band Misto, campaigning materials “Time for the regions of Kharkiv”, calendars with the stereo image of Iryna Berezhna and campaigning leaflet “For Kharkiv!” (with the logo of the Party of Regions and information on the candidates of the PR) — that's how Kharkiv teachers were congratulated with the professional day.

OPORA observers managed to capture the presence of Kharkiv Mayor Hennadii Kernes accompanied by FPP candidates of the Party of Regions at 5 celebrations dedicated to the Teacher's Day. The ceremonies took place on 5 and 8 October.

At the professional celebration in the Community Centre of Builders, teachers were congratulated by the Mayor and Deputy of the City Council Anatolii Denysenko (DEC 173). Observers of the Network OPORA note that campaigning was conducted right at the entrance. In front of the building, there were campaigners with the flags “Denysenko Anatolii. We'll win together” and wearing jackets labelled “For Kharkiv! Denysenko Anatolii.”    According to the campaigners, they are students of S. Ordzhonikidze Motor Transport Technicum of Kharkiv, and came there because they were dismissed from classes.


During the speeches of Hennadii Kernes and Anatolii Denysenko, two flags on the sides of the stage featuring the nominee, the statement “We'll win together!”, and the logo of the Party of Regions were hung in the hall.  When the official part was over, the audience saw the back curtain with the words “Anatolii Denysenko. We will win together!”.  Against this background, the concert featuring Kharkiv band Misto was held.

An hour after, Kharkiv Mayor joined the People's Deputy Iryna Horina (DEC 171) who congratulated the teachers in Kharkiv City Children's Community Centre. And in an hour, Hennadii Kernes, together with the deputy of the City Council Volodymyr Mysyk (SMED 172), spoke on the stage of the Ukraine CCH. Later on 5 October, with the participation of the Mayor and People's Deputy Dmytro Sviatash (SMED 170),the celebration took place in Kharkiv National Opera and Ballet House.

Each candidate for People's Deputy congratulated the teachers who work in a certain raion of Kharkiv. Indeed, Anatolii Denysenko spoke for the teachers of Kominternivskyi and Chervonozavodskyi Raions, Iryna Horina — of Frunzenskyi, Volodymyr Mysyk — of Ordzhonikidzevskyi, and Dmytro Sviatash — of Moskowskyi. These are the raions that are included into the district of their nomination.

Iryna Berezhna (ED 169) wasn't an exception either. She, together with Hennadii Kersen, congratulated the teachers of Kyivskyi Raion with the professional day from the stage of the Ukraine CCH on 8 October. As OPORA representatives note, admission to the concert hall was supervised by four women dressed in T-shirts from Iryna Berezhna, and was by invitation.


For everyone invited, before the start of the event, on the chairs campaigning materials were prepared — a calendar with a stereo image of the candidate in the district 169, a campaigning brochure “For Kharkiv!” featuring information of all the candidates for People's Deputies of the Party of Regions in the districts of the city, and the newspaper Time for the Regions of Kharkiv featuring information on Iryna Berezhna. 


The Mayor of the city didn't campaign openly but in his speech he mentioned, “I'm very pleased that Iryna Berezhna has now joined our ranks, the ranks of those people who care about the revival of our beloved home town of Kharkiv, the revival of all the areas. I think that Iryna Hryhorivna, also by her attitude and even today's event, demonstrates that she is ready to make the life better together with us, and make the life of our children better.”

Then, Hennadii Kernes added, “Let's believe in our common victory — the team that today strives only for the best results.”

At the end of the speech, the Mayor said, “I'd like to say one thing. Here is Iryna Hryhorivna Berezhna, she works in the legislative authority. And I hope, will work.”

A concert followed the official part, featuring Natalia Mohylevska (as specified on the invitations, the concert was a personal gift of Iryna Berezhna). The performer spoke of Iryna Berezhna as her friend more than once — “There are people born to do good for themselves. There are people born to do something good for their family. And there are people born with the strengths, with the opportunity, with the knowledge, with some sort of energy, I don't know, to do good for a lot of people. I have known Ira for a long time. She is one of the most reliable, one of the strongest women that I know. And you do know that we are close friends. Perhaps I'm not that objective, on one hand, but on the other hand, maybe it's good... She is a reliable friend, and a very, very intelligent and reliable person. I can't explain it but she will always offer you help, she will always know when you're having a hard time... It is very hard to talk about the dear ones. Just trust me, I think that Kharkiv should be proud that it is Iryna Berezhna, this strong-willed woman, who will represent Kharkiv. I think this should be your pride and merit...”

After the end of the event, on the screens on the sides of the stage, an image “We'll win together! Iryna Berezhna” appeared. 



Of course, according to Article 68 of the Law of Ukraine On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine, election campaigning can be conducted in the form of distributing election leaflets, posters, and other printed campaigning materials or printed publications containing election campaigning materials (paragraph 2.5); and holding concerts with the support of a party or a candidate for People's Deputy as well as publishing information on such support (paragraph 2.7). 

  Also, Section 4, Article 68 of the said Law doesn't deem official messages during the election period on activities of candidates for Deputy who are officials of government bodies or local authorities, connected with performance of their official duties as election campaigning. However, it clearly specifies that such messages shall contain no comments of campaigning nature, audio recordings, filming, or pictures on activities of the said persons as candidates for Deputy.

The election law also restricts participation of certain individuals in the election campaigning. In particular, for executive and local authorities, and during working hours — for officials and employees of these authorities (Section 1, Article 74).

Olena Ukrayinets,
Press Secretary of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kharkiv Oblast
For comment, please contact:
Viktoriia Shevchuk,
Election Programmes Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kharkiv Oblast
067 177 26 55
066 047 07 72


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience.  
From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures.  
In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA is carrying out a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizing a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.