On 24 September 2012, the journalist of Tysa-1 Zakarpattia OSTRC (of the editorial office of programme in minority languages, the programme Romano Dzhivipen) and public activist Myroslav Horvat met with the Head of Zakarpattia State Administration Oleksandr Ledyda.

The reason of meeting was the special edition of the newspaper of Zakarpattia Oblast Council and Oblast State Administration Novyny Zakarpattia (News of Zakarpattia). According to the output, the newspaper's issue was commissioned by the candidate for People's Deputy in the single-mandate election district No.68 Volodymyr Smolanka, out of his campaign fund.

The second page of the publication contains material „A Step Forward. The Romani Community Needs Support“.  There the author of the material Mykhailo Koval asks Myroslav Horvat for a comment as a public activist and journalist who is well acquainted with the life and problems of the Romani The biggest problem, in the newsmaker's opinion, is education of the Romani. Myroslav Horvat told about the problem of the state of schools in the city of Uzhhorod and wished the Ukrainian government had taken more care of the development of the Romani youth. Moreover, the problems listed included difficulties with the pasportisation of the Romani people, living conditions, and problems with wages paid to the Romani by public utility companies of the city of Uzhhorod.

According to Myroslav Horvat, the following morning after the newspaper came out, the Head of Zakarpattia OSA Oleksandr Ledyda called him out. The deputy of Uzhhorod City Council of the Party of Regions Yurii Mandych was present in the office during the conversion. The latter, as far as Myroslav Horvat is aware, has been monitoring the processes in the Romani communities for years. It is Yurii Mandych, says Myroslav Horvat, who emphasised his anti-governmental activities in the office not giving the opportunity even to respond to the claims. “Sometimes, even for Oleksandr Ledyda it was hard to believe all that was said about me,” noted Myroslav Horvat.


“For many years, I have been chairing Romani Cherkhen (The Roman Star) Zakarpattia Oblast Union of the Romani. I am a regular member of world Romani organisations, including also the Rromanipen Roma World Organisation,” comments on the current situation Myroslav Horvat. “In addition, since 2009 I have been working at Tysa-1 Zakarpattia Oblast State Television”, in the editorial board of programmes in minority languages. Our programmes are quite famous in the oblast and beyond. They are watched in 47 countries as well as by those who have access to the Internet and social networks. The subjects covered are the language, culture, and everyday life of the Romani.

And in none of these areas, I played cheap politics. For no authorities. On the contrary, I have always sought dialogue with the authorities. I'm currently a member of a special commission that have developed a full government support programme for the Romani people — Roma Ukraine. This month it should be signed by the President of Ukraine with the implementation period until 2020. Some time ago, for my active position, I have been appointed Advisor of the Head of Zakarpattia OSA.

Therefore, I was frankly surprised by the reaction of Oleksandr Ledyda to the material in the newspaper Novyny Zakarpattia. This is the state newspaper of Zakarpattia Oblast Council and Oblast State Administration, which supports a excellent doctor. The thing is that I didn't comment on anything new — all of that I've been saying not for the first time, and everywhere.  And there is no bias is my comment. I simply made a comment for a journalist, my colleague as I always do whenever I'm asked to. And where it is printed is none of my business. It is important for me that the problems are highlighted, and it is not important by whom and how. I think that if problems are mentioned we will be able to solve them faster; silencing them has a reverse effect.

Oleksandr Ledyda asked me what I thought of the material and why I had such an attitude to the current authorities being his advisor. I told him I saw nothing directly oppositional in this article. And all the accusations of Yurii Mandych are dragged in and unjustified. And, actually, I think Oleksandr Ledyda was misinformed deliberately in order to take up the matter whether I'm for or against current authorities.  I have always said and will say — as a public activist I'm ready to work with anyone who to do something for the Romani minority.   On 25 September, I passed over my Advisor's Certificate“.

Meanwhile, the Head of Zakarpattia OSA Oleksandr Ledyda in the local press calls this situation a misunderstanding.

“Such accusations are absurd. Moreover, I have never used methods of pressure or intimidation of people in my work — I have other principles. Yes, I did have a conversation with Myroslav but it concerned exclusively work issues of life of the Romani community in general.

I communicate a lot both with journalists and representatives of other occupations, and not necessarily the management. I want to hear the problems and worries first hand to be able to realistically assess a situation and understand what help will be of use. I consider this situation a misunderstanding and assure you that neither I nor my staff puts pressure on journalists.

Furthermore, I have no influence whatsoever on the staff policy of the oblast TV. I'm sure that if Myroslav is a professional he will continue holding the position of a journalist of the Romani editorial office. “And as to the fact whether I need an advisor who does political PR, I will think twice,” the press centre of Zakarpattia OSA quoted the Head of the region.

For more details

Sviatoslav Babilia
Coordinator of the Parliamentary Elections 2012 Observation Campaign
of the Civil Network OPORA
in Zakarpattia Oblast
050 100 24 69


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience.  
From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures.  
In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA is carrying out a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizing a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.