An observer from the Civil Network OPORA has interviewed a candidate from the Bratstvo All-Ukrainain political party Dmytro Linko (election district #99) – and received the most ambiguous material ever published.

Dmytro Linko is nominated in single-mandate majoritarian election district #99 centered in Kirovohrad city, Leninsk district. DEC includes a part of Kirov (election districts #350814 – 350869, 350874, 350875, 350882 – 350890) and a part of Leninsk (election districts #350894 – 350936) districts of Kirovohrad city.

A candidate was born in Kirovohrad city on 14 July 1987. Graduated from senior school #16. Earned a diploma in Geophysics from the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University in 2008. The head of executive committee in Bratstvo All-Ukrainian political party, the senior analyst of the Institute of Regional Policy and Contemporary Politics. Single.

Below are the original candidate's answers given to OPORA interviewer^

What do you think about the election process as a whole and what is your purpose as a candidate?

Democracy and the elections – are delusion. The destiny of the country is in hands of all citizens who reached 18 years old. Ratings of communists and Ms. Korolevska - is the proof. There should be at least a half of percent of ungovernable individuals which will protect the rights, supervise bureaucrats, combat corruption and choose the direction of foreign policy.

The purpose of my election campaign is to find this half of a percent of ungovernable, and unite them.

Why are you standing as a candidate?


First of all, in order to realize the dream of every Ukrainian citizen – to beat MP deputies with no ill consequences. All illegal laws of the government are adopted through fights; therefore I think it's the first mission of opposition MPs. Secondly, to free political prisoners, to breach walls of bureaucratic institutions which are closed for simple people without deputy mandate.

What do you think can bring you to the victory, taking into consideration peculiarities of regional political situation and the image of your political party?

There are two ways for me to win. First, unreal – the voters will grow wiser, stop believing the television, sell themselves for the buckwheat, voting for former officials, and choose honest, fair and uncompromising candidate - me. Second, real – Archangel Michael will descend to earth, appear for the Election Commission and force them to recognize me as the winner.

What makes your election program unique?

All election programs are the same. All of them are good and envisage an absolute happiness and justice. I'm not original in that sense.

How do you plan to engage your supporters?

By all means, which do not require efforts and money.

What kind of campaign are you going to conduct?

I don't think that spending money and competing with oligarchs is reasonable. They have milliards, enterprises, TV, mass media, administrative resource etc. I'm not going to spend a penny on campaigning.

Which problems are the most urgent in your district?

Kirovorhar had no important historical mission since it was found. It has the complete collection of all possible problems which exist in Ukraine. They can be solved only by the greatest effort and inspiration. Most Kirovohrad citizens don't participate in social and political life and, therefore, have no chances to solve own problems. All programs and ideas proposed by the power or the opposition can't bring essential changes. There shall be long and severe way, and perhaps in 500 years we'll reach the progress of some small town in Portugal.

The culture of the city is very low, because all officials in charge of these issues have only Soviet education with no taste or talent.

What will you do if you lose?

To gain power through the street.

Could you please explain the phrase "gain the power through the street" - what do you mean?

As long as a shameful legal punishment for appeals to overthrow the existing regime still exists in Ukraine, it would be wrong to say that I was referring to revolution and rebellion. Preventive protests and rallies have exhausted themselves. Ukrainians must learn from the experience of Arab countries which woke up after decades of authoritarianism and dictatorship. Moreover, the rebellion – is the only thing which made Ukraine famous over the last 700 years.

Will you have a separate election headquarters?


Will you open your own public reception?


What are your forecasts on voter turnout?

30-40 percent

Is civic observation in polling stations is essential?


How do you estimate yours competitors in the district? What chances do you have?

I will compete in the election district with a friend of mine and a great person, Maksym Kindruk. I wish him good luck. All the others – mercenaries, officials and embezzlers, and if they will be elected Kirovograd will hardly get anything. Besides that, they are boring and not interesting.

All your answers are very humorous. Why did you choose such style?

My answers are mostly ironical, because it's better to smile than to cry of despair and helplessness when everything is that bad. Besides that, serious and inspirational politician looks comically if there are no millions of supporters beyond his shoulders.

Don't you afraid to loose favor of the electorate and give an impression of light-hearted person?

You can't lose what you don't have. Some dedicated fanatics are more significant than few thousands of voters. The street army means more than the Parliamentary faction.

Did you choose such style in order to attract attention to your words among all the similar answers of your competitors?

You may say so.

What candidate relies on in his election campaign?

In addition candidate Dmitro Linko said:

It's bad taste to gain power through the elections. At the same time, it's better to be a deputy than not to be.

Nadiia Domash
press-secretary of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kirovohrad oblast
For comment, please contact:
Yevhenii Patrul
Coordinator of electoral programs of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kirovohrad oblast
099 44 13 777


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures. In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA implements a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizes a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.