Late August and early September became a starting point for the majority of the political entities in the district 206 in increasing their activity and variety of the campaigning methods.

During the following period, the representatives of the Civil Network OPORA spoke to the voters residing in the villages of Chernihiv and Ripky Raions as well as the representatives of raion election headquarters. The locals often mentioned activities of the following parties —  the Communist Party of Ukraine, UDAR political party, and the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland.

However, the candidates in the single-mandate majoritarian election district No.206 are much more popular with the residents of the villages — Vladyslav Artyshko, Stanislav Prokopenko, Volodymyr Polischuk, and Rayisa Yasochko.

Indeed, activity of the Communist Party of Ukraine was recorded on 2 September in the village of Dobrianka in Ripky Raion. A tent with the party logo was located on the main square distributing the party publication Rabochaya Gazeta and information leaflets of the CPU. Rayisa Yasochko — a candidate for People's Deputy of the Communist Party in the district No.206 — talked to the residents.


Also, in the villages of Chernihiv and Ripky Raions, a supplement to the party edition Po Pravde Govoria is distributed.

The activity of the UDAR Party was displayed in the distribution of the party newspaper and campaign materials through work of the visiting community liaison offices. Currently, Ripky Raion Party Organisation is popularising the initiative of „anti-corruption lustration“.  In early September, such offices visited the villages of Stari Yarylovychi, Hornostayivka, Danychi, Ubizhychi, and Kraskivske of Ripky Raion. Olena Potapova — the candidate for People's Deputy of the UDAR party in the district No.206 — participated in them. In Chernihiv and Ripky Raion, the party publication has been distributed .


The activity of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland within the district 206 is concentrated mainly in raion centres.  In particular, in the village of Ripky, the party tent (Supplement 24) is regularly placed, distributing information leaflets and party editions, and the activists offer voters to put down a signature for the Ukraine Against Yanukovych! Initiative.


In the village of Ripky, activity of the Our Ukraine party was recorded. A tent with the party logo was located in the centre of the village distributing the party publication and information leaflets.


Vladyslav Atroshenko is using a unique, for the district 206, method of encouraging voters — planning and organising free tours for village residents to the sights of Ukraine. Indeed, in late August, tours to Pochayiv Lavra in the town of Pochayiv for the residents of the villages of Pakul and Pliokhiv of Chernihiv Raion, and the village of Hubychi of Ripky Raion, were arranged. Another Vladyslav Atroshenko's form of communication with the locals is meeting with the village communities, one of which (in the village of Novoukrayinske of Ripky Raion) the observers of the network OPORA witnessed. The candidate for Deputy gave a speech after which everyone was offered to try korovai, and an hour and a half concert featuring people's artists of Ukraine was held for the villagers.


Similar meetings were also recorded in the villages of Karkhivka and Pliokhiv of Chernihiv Raion, and the village of Hubychi of Ripky Raion. Since early September, tents with the candidate's name on them were placed in the villages of Dobrianka, Nedannychi, and Velykyi Zliyiv of Ripky Raion.  In both of the raions of the district 206, Nashe Zhyttia (Our Life) newspaper is regularly distributed, each issue of which features a considerable amount of publications positively characterising Vladyslav Atroshenko.  

The political work of Stanislav Prokopenko was carried out mainly in the form of working visits and meetings. This candidate helps voters through assistance in resolving certain issues at the level of Chernihiv Oblast State Administration. For example, such issues include allocation of around 20K hryvnias, road surface maintenance and the water tower refurbishment in the village of Pliokhiv of Chernihiv Raion, and assistance in providing a free school bus for the children of the village of Hubychi of Ripky Raion. In both of the raions of district 206, Bila Khata (The White House) newspaper is regularly distributed, each issue of which features a considerable amount of publications positively characterising Stanislav Prokopenko. Some of the newspaper's issues had inserts — campaign leaflets featuring the candidate.    

The activity of Volodymyr Polischuk in late September was displayed, in particular, in holding meetings with voters (including Hubychi of Ripky Raion) and distribution of information leaflets. 



Studies of the social and political situation in Chernihiv Oblast indicate an increase in activity of certain entities of the election process. Favourites of the election race are already noticeable.

During the period studied, activity of certain candidates only in the election district No.206 was recorded. Those political actors who are supported by the local authorities are working actively.

Most of the candidates who carried out political work in the districts during the last periods studied, in the last two month, have significantly expanded the range of methods to work with the electorate indicating proper development of the election campaign 2012 in Chernihiv Oblast.

Olha Rizenko
Press Secretary
For comment, please contact:
Yevhenii Romanenko
Election Programs Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA
in Chernihiv Oblast


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience.  
From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures.  
In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA is carrying out a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizing a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.