On 2 September, the celebration of Odesa Day took place. It seems to be an event absolutely far from politics. However, candidates for People's Deputy apparently take a different view. Almost in all the districts of Odesa, the events which one way or another reminded Odesans about the election being not far away took place.

The first feature of the year — for the first time, the residents of Suvorivskyi Raion had their own event. For residents of this raion, the celebration of the City Day started from 12pm near school No.14 on Krymskyi Boulevard. Those wishing to celebrated the City Day were offered entertainment for children. Until 2pm, Ihor Kondratiuk entertained the Odesans with his famous show — Karaoke na Maidani (Karaoke in the Square); then, Odesan team of Maidans led by Vlad Yama danced for the residents; and the night was closed by performances of the Odesan band — Duke Time, Oleh Hazmanov, and even the 80's world famous celebrities — the OTTAWAN duet. During the celebration, all those wishing to celebrate the City Day on Krymskyi Boulevard were repeatedly reminded that for the first time, the residents of Suvorivskyi Raion were celebrating the birthday of Odesa not far from their houses thanks to Hennadii Trukhanov (a candidate for People's Deputy in district No.136 — Suvorivskyi Raion). Indeed, on the site near to the school, where the raion's residents were entertained by performances of the celebrities, huge banners with the slogan of the candidate "Trust the deeds!" and special festive banners "May Odesa be proud of you. Hennadiy Trukhanov" were shining. The performers and presenters repeatedly reminded thanks to whom the event was held. The initiator of the festival himself didn't mind taking the stage several times, and at the end of the night even sang a song dedicated to Suvorivskyi Raion.


Of course, traditionally, the celebration of the City Day was taking place in the central part of the city. However, here it also didn't do without campaigning activities. In the city garden, Singing About You My Odesa Song Contest was held, organised by Serhii Kivalov (a candidate for People's Deputy from Prymorskyi Raion of Odesa). The candidate's tent with the campaign materials was also set up here. On the same day, Serhii Kivalov opened the renovated section of the waterfront from the 8th to the 10th station of the Great Fountain.


In the city centre and Suvorivskyi Raion, the former mayor of Odesa Eduard Hurvits (running for People's Deputy on the lists of the party UDAR) took a walk and talked to the citizens. He met with the residents of the raion on Krymskyi Boulevard and near the fountain, and simply talked to the Odesans for around half an hour.      

However, the residents of Kyivskyi Raion had the best luck. Here, three candidates for People's Deputy at a time congratulated the Odesans with the City Day. Oleksii Honcharenko (the official candidate of the Party of Regions in Kyivskyi Raion) organised a children's event at the 411 Battery. The youngest Odesans participated in contests where for the victory they got presents with the indication whom they should thank. It is interesting that the newspaper of the pro-government candidate — Yakist Zhyttia (The Quality of Life) — was handed to parents when the memorial itself was "decorated" with the campaign tents.


Next to the City Centre Shopping Centre, the campaign point of another candidate — Yurii Presnov (self-nominated but an active member of the Party of Regions, the deputy of the head of the same-named faction in the City Council) — was situated. Here, similar to Suvorivskyi Raion, a stage was set, covered with campaign banners of this candidate, where the Odesans were congratulated by Anastasiia Prykhodko and Natalia Mohylevska. Here, tents with Yurii Presnov's slogans — "For the whole Odesa" — were also set, where everyone could quench his thirst for free. That, by the way, can already be classified as indirect bribery of voters.

The most humble candidate in this district, who decided to lose no chance and campaign bypassers for his candidacy in the upcoming election, turned out to be Vadym Chornyi (self-nominated). The candidate didn't organise concerts or contests though his activists were located right next to the City Centre and handing out the candidate's programme to bypassers.

Only the residents of Malynovskyi Raion were left deprived once again. There were no festivities for the City Day here at all. Perhaps the reason, again, was the absence of an official candidate of the Party of Regions in this raion. Earlier, the residents of the raion didn't "get into" the Healthy Summer 2012 Programme, within which children of Suvorivskyi, Prymorskyi, and Kyivskyi Raions were taken to the camps in Serhiyivka for 10% of the package price. The initiators of the programme as well as the celebration of the City Day in Suvorovskyi and Kyivskyi Raions were the leaders of the faction of the Party of Regions in Odesa City Council Hennadii Trukhanov and Yurii Presnov (they are candidates for People's Deputy in Suvorovskyi and Kyivskyi Raions respectively).


For comment, please contact:
Anatolii Boiko
Coordinator of the Parliamentary Election Public Observation in Odesa Oblast, conducted by the Committee of Voters of Ukraine NGO Ltd. within the nationwide campaign of the Civil Network OPORA
(048) 716-40-18


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience.  
From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures.  
In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA is carrying out a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizing a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.