Leaflets entitled "Why you shouldn't vote for Serhii Ryzhuk" appeared today on Zhytomyr streets. The Head of Zhytomyr OSA was registered as a candidate from the Party of Regions in single-member district OED #62 on 7 August this year.

Since the beginning of the election campaign he repeatedly informed mass media that he is not going to go on vacation after registering as a candidate. In the leaflet, which has a circulation of 999 copies, the politician is blamed with the use of state funds for election advertising (allocations for the municipal mass media - 716 thousand UAH), not keeping his promises to Zhytomyr cityzens - reconstruction of cinemas "Kosmos" and "Zhovten", assistance to the construction of the Epitsentr supermarket on the territory of botanical gardens.

"Vidsich" civic movement is said to be the author of these leaflets, however, unlike leaflets against the MP candidate Volodymyr Lytvyn, which were disseminated in Novohrad Volynskyi these days (OED #65), they have the original data.

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