
The representative of the Civil Network OPORA interviewed a candidate for MP of Ukraine in single-mandate majoritarian election district #101, Chornovaienko Oleksandr Anatoliiovych. The candidate told about his aims and intentions, as well as plans on 2012 election campaign.

Oleksandr Chornovaienko is registered from All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" in single-mandate district #101 centered in Holovanivsk town. To the district belongs: Haivoron, Holovanivsk, Mala Vyska, Novoarkhanhelsk, Novomyrhorod, Ylianovka rayons in Kirovohrad oblast.

Brief Biography

Was born and grew up in Tyshkivka village of Novomyrhorod rayon. His father - Anatolii Chornoivanenko, is a well-known person in the oblast. He worked in the field of cooperatives. Was included to the All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" in 2005. Now Mr. Chornovaienko is an assistant of the MP of Ukraine, the deputy of oblast council, first deputy head of the faction All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland".

Why are you standing as a candidate?

I'm running for the Parliament to assist the establishment of principles of the United opposition: Fair state, honest government, decent life.

I will do everything possible to release Yuliia Tymoshenko, Yurii Lutsenko, all political prisoners, to stop political repression.

I, as well as everybody in the United opposition, will do everything possible to defend Ukrainian language as a foundation of the country. I want Ukraine to become full-fledged European Union member country and will do everything to reach this goal.

Will you have a separate election headquarters?


Will you open your own public reception?


How do you estimate yours competitors in the district? What chances do you have?

Between real competitors are Hrushevskyi V. A., Suprun L. P. and Lytvyn Yu. O. Despite huge expenses and the use of administrative resource, Hrushevskyi V. A. has the best odds. Due to the rating of the political force I belong to, and my own efforts, I have all chances.

What kind of campaign are you going to conduct?

We will conduct meetings with voters in every community of the district at least two times, organize dissemination of our leaflets (5-7 editions), conduct social poll in two stages (early September and middle October). Besides that, we'll publish some materials in mass media.

Which problems are the most urgent in your district?

Poor gas supply in villages, especially in west regions; absence of roads to many villages, poor transport communication; low milk purchase prices; high rates of unemployment; closure of schools, nursery schools, village health centers; low salaries and pensions; raising the retirement age; poor street lighting; high corruption of the courts and law enforcement officers and government officials; a significant tax burden on entrepreneurs; environmental problems; and problems with housing, especially for young people.

What will you do if you lose?

I will continue working in the district, solve problems of residents, prepare for the next parliamentary elections.

What are your forecasts on voter turnout?


Is civic observation in polling stations is essential?


Additional information:

I, Chornoivanenko Oleksandr Anatoliiovych, support the establishment of the people's power over the president and MPs by the means of the law on impeachment of the President Yanukovich and the law on the recall of MP if the latter does not fulfill his obligations.

Conscious of my responsibility before Ukrainian people and the Fatherland United Opposition, which nominated me as a candidate for MP of Ukraine, I take the following obligations:

1. To enter the Fatherland United Opposition in the Verkhovna Rada of VII convocation and do not leave it for the duration of the mandate given to me by the voter.

2. To vote only by myself, to support the law on criminal responsibility for voting by cards of other members of Parliament.

3. To personally support laws which are aimed at the fulfillment of the United opposition's program, in particular the law on the impeachment and the impeachment of the President Yanukovich and the law on recall of MPs.

4. To take care of my personal and political reputation, to publish annually in mass media my declaration of income and expenses.

In case of neglecting these commitments I swear to write a statement for termination of my deputy's powers.

Nadiia Domash

press-secretary of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kirovohrad oblast
For comment, please contact:
Yevhenii Patrul
Coordinator of electoral programs of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kirovohrad oblast
099 44 13 777


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures. In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA implements a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizes a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.