Oleksandr Mykhailovych Volkov, who is a candidate in the voting district #158 (which includes rayon of Symu city situated across the river, Bilopillia, Krasnopillia and Sumy rayons - with center in Bilopillia) and a member of the Fatherland party, was quite open during the meeting with journalists


About his "twin" in he voting district

We made a decision that there is no sense in going to court. Other thing is that it is an attempt to falsify the elections - the change of thought. The same surnames and names - as a result people can definitely make a mistake. In my opinion, here the law enforcement agencies should step in. Because there are certain people behind this person, who guide him, drive him and sign for him. However, it might be another technology. I don't like it and I am disturbed. And just imagine a following situation: in a week this Volkov will be found somewhere on the roadside with a wound in his head. Who did it? Who did he bother? I will not believe that he bothered his fellow villagers. He was bothering Volkov. A criminal case is opened against Volkov and a signal goes into media. This is a method of political technology - to tell the grannies that Volkov ordered to kill Volkov. Unfortunately, this young man does not understand where he got to and that he can be a victim of such a political technology.

About the indirect vote buying

Look carefully who is distributing the playgrounds as presents. The charity fund of Oleksandr Volkov! Volkov does not have any connection to this fund; he left it in accordance with law.

He is neither a founder nor a president of this charity fund! But if it is called like that - sorry!

This fund was created in 2005. I tell you that. When in Sumy no one even talked about the playgrounds, it was helping people all over Ukraine.

About the possible recall of members of the Central Election Commission

I can ensure you and tell that I am 100% sure that the members of the Central Election Commission will not be recalled. I have information that they will not make such step.

At the moment the main question for Yanukovych is recognition of the elections. God forbid that the international community should not recognize the elections - it will be a total disaster. And the recall of two key people from the Central Election Commission, who moreover represent the opposition, during the election process, will be even worse... They will not do this.

About the behavior in the future Parliament, in case of victory

I do not run for the Parliament being in the party list, I am an independent candidate. And first of all, I am responsible not to the party but to the voter. And the fact who I am with and where I am will depend on whether the parties will remain the independent participants of the process in the Parliament: the Fatherland and the Front of Changes separately. Or they will unite under the leadership of someone unfamiliar. If the United opposition is a single faction and its head is Arsenii Yatseniuk, who is openly working against me at the moment, I will definitely not join this faction and will create some other union. And I am absolutely confident that there will be a lot of people like this: those who were not recognized here and have nothing to do there. If they wanted to do something they would be there long time ago.

About falsification

I am absolutely sure that this government will not simply give up. I visit all the villages and meet a lot of people. I know the Heads of village councils personally, we meet and they tell me about the way the government puts pressure on them and how it persuades them what kind of results the elections should have. They intimidate them that they will lose their jobs. You will see that not only the heads of the polling stations, but also the heads of district commissions will be from the Party of Regions or their satellites.

I tell the people that no one will enter the voting booth with them. And no one will see who they have voted for and they should not be afraid. In the villages a lot of people, especially teachers, doctors, and those, who work in the budget sphere, are afraid. They are intimidated by the use of video cameras at the polling stations. I explain them that they should not be afraid because everything depends on you.

I ask them a question: "Will some people from Kyiv come to a polling station in Bilopillia rayon to falsify the elections? - No! They will be your fellow villagers, your neighbors, and probably your relatives. Do you like that? Talk to them, explain them.

5%, I can allow no more than 7%. It can take place at the closed polling stations, probably in prisons, at factories. Bu it is not real in villages and in Sumy city. This should be told to the people.

For comment, please contact:
Oksana Khoruzhenko
Election Programs Coordinator of CN OPORA in Sumy oblast
+38 067 14 20 301
Iryna Stehnii
Press Secretary of the Civil Network OPORA in Symu oblast
+38 066 305 51 90;

The Civil Network OPORA is a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent nationwide network of public activists. We have teamed up to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizens’ influence on the activities of state and local government in Ukraine.