The Head of Zaporizhia city organization of the UDAR party and the candidate for the People's Deputy Vasyl Varetskyi is well known in the city for a long time. He was the Head of one of the rayons in city and oblast, and also the Assistant of Mayor Oleksandr Poliak. Once he became the Head of city organization of Vitalii Klytchko's UDAR party, in some media they started to call him the political turncoat. Vasyl Voretskii told OPORA about the facts, administrative resource, Vitalii Klytchko, pressure on the party organization, and victory.

Vaslyl Ivanovych, in some media you are called a political turncoat. Is it true that you cannot stay in one party for a long time?


First I would like to remind these journalists and media of the meaning of the word "turncoat". According to the dictionaries, "turncoat" - is a person who joined the enemy, a betrayer. If to throw a glance on my political life it will prove the opposite. I have not joined the Party of Regions, although I was offered such possibility. I could give up, saying: "Sorry, I'm such a... let me join you!"

I did not do that in 2003, when it was possible to join the team of the Governor and continue sitting in the chair of the Head of Ordzhonikidze administration. But I took part in the elections of Mayor independently because of disagreement on moral principles between me and O. Kartashov. I did not do that even in 2007, when I could make a deal with the Governor Chervonenko and the land oligarchs of Vasylivka, who are also the members of the Part of Regions, about "tearing up" the rayon jointly. Thus, turncoat is not about me.

I know where do these stones come from and why. And it is obvious why some media published this just before the elections. If to recollect 2010, I was planning to become a candidate for a Mayor from the bloc of NGOs "For the project of O. Poliak: "Zaporizhia is the best city inUkraine." However, it did not work out. I think everyone remembers that the rules where changed before the elections and one could became a candidate only from a party. The party supported me but I did not become its member. On the eve of elections the citizens of Zaporizhia were observing the impertinent campaign of V. Kaltsev in order to get the position of Mayor; they also remember the process of political annihilation of the former Mayor Y. Kartashov, and the suspending of the Secretary of city council Y. Kaptiukh.

V. Kaltsev got simultaneously two seats and felt himself the host of the city. Having in mind that at any price this person should not get to power and feeling the complexity of situation (because the votes for oppositional candidates could disperse and V. Kaltsev could pass), together with two other candidates we decided to withdraw our candidacies and addressed our electorate asking to support O. Sin, who was that time candidate from Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. O. Sin won the elections, and today he is a Mayor but at the same tie he is also the Head of Zaporizhia city organization of the Party of regions.

Do you plan to continue the policies of the former Mayor Oleksandr Poliak, whose assistant and fellow-fighter you were?

I had this intention while taking part in the elections of Mayor of Zaporizhia in 2003, while working at Vasylivka rayon administration, and with the same idea I go to elections today. I am sure that O. Poliak is the best Mayor of all times, because he did the main thing - he revived the trust of people to the government, he did a lot for the city - new transportation, reconstruction of the downtown, building and equipment of the children's playgrounds, and more. I was observing and taking part in all these events, I was his assistant and later the Head of Ordzhonikidze rayon administration of Zaporizhia city.

After O. Poliak’s death in 2003 the dark times began. The people do not trust the government. I am confident that the initiatives made by Poliak should be continued in order to return the trust to the government. Personally I want to and will try to do this. By the way, in 2010 before asking the voters to support O. Sin during the elections, we agreed with Sin that if he became a Mayor he would continue working in the same direction as O. Poliak. Whether he fulfilled his promise or not should judge the citizens of Zaporizhia. 

Nowadays the majority is apolitical; they do not expect much from the government. How are you going to persuade the people?

People see that inUkraineonly a small group is getting wealthier and the people become poorer. They feel the ineffectiveness of the government, selective law enforcement, increasing corruption, etc. They understand that changes are needed.

I remember 1998, when together with the team of O. Poliak we were against that time Mayor O. Holovko, who was continuously taking part in corrupt actions. That period was popularly called "holovkivshchyna" ("the period of Holovko") and it was the worst in the history of Zaporizhia. Today everything repeats. Unfortunately, everything that was done by Oleksandr Poliak in 2000-2003 is ruined and spoiled today. Is there a point in this talks if at the moment the city is ruled by so called "watchman" (I think this is how Anisimov is called)?

No one believes the advertisements of the Party of Regions. They say that we "have overcome the chaos and started building." Sorry, what kind of chaos did we overcome? I think that we just entered the chaos and it will be quite hard to overcome it. Moreover, people are tired of these political troubles - we chose one, he promises to do everything for the people, and then he comes to power and does nothing. According to the data of sociological research, more than 30% of people still have not decided who to vote for, one part in not going to vote at all. I understand these people but it is important to take part in elections, not to be afraid to vote for a candidate who deserves it. We should not lose our hope and stand aside of all these problems, we should try to influence, to change our lives for better. Otherwise, this mass will remain...

Vitalii Klytchko said that the current protests in Ukraine are not connected with the language issue because "it is under #31 in the list." Do you agree with Vitalii and what is the most urgent issue for Ukrainians?

I support Vitalii Klytchko. I think that so called language issue is used only for distracting people, to hide the real events, real economic breakdown, problems in social sphere, in ecology, problems of youth, students, and corruption of the government, etc. Thus, before the elections the governing party again and again wants to distract people's attention from the solution of these urgent problems with help of the "language issue."

Just recall 2010, when everyone screamed "language", "anti-NATO", etc. People believed, voted, but as it revealed later, it was lie and no progress was made. Today we witness a real show again. I think everyone feels that it is nothing but a deception. The language problems are vital but first the country should get out of the economic crisis, should become free from corruption, and only then we can talk about language.

At the moment a lot of recreation areas in Crimea are ruined to build private houses for authorities; the historical part of Kyiv is also destroyed to please them; few days ago the European experts affirmed that during Euro-2012 almost half of resources were stolen in Ukraine; in Zaporizhia city the estimated costs for the building of bridges on Dnipro river were doubled. These are the cases that should be investigated, so that those who are guilty are held responsible in law and society.

Do Zaporizhia oblast and city organizations of the UDAR party feel pressure on behalf of media and opponents at the moment?

Sure they do... This is because our opponents clearly see that the authority of the UDAR party increases, thus, they act in order to stop this process. Our competitors do not criticize the party of Korolevska, the Communist Party or opposition but provoke the strong and dangerous players, who are able to take away the votes. Recently we have organized a press-conference on persecution, political pressure and invited the representatives of three local TV companies. You will not believe me if I say that none of them came to the event.

During this conference we also tackled the issue of Vilniansk rayon. The Head of oblast organization of the UDAR party Vadym Kryvokhatko sponsored the building of children's playground. When they started to equip it, the rusty tubes were noticed. It was decided to cut them because they were dangerous for the lives and health of the children, and spoiled the general view. The members of the Party of Regions "found the ground" to accuse the authoritative person in rayon, the candidate for the People's Deputy of Ukraine from the UDAR party of stealing the scrap metal. Where is the logic? A person invested thousands in building of the playground and now he is charged with stealing the unnecessary rusty tubes, which cost 600 UAH. It is hard to react on these farfetched and unjustified claims without emotions and humor.

How did the search of the Deputy Head of Zaporizhia oblast organization of the UDAR party, conducted by the law enforcement agencies, end?

At 6 am in the village district, where lives the Deputy Head (I will not name him), came four police officers with attesting witnesses. They woke up the people and started the search. They examined everything; they even had a look at the shed. In conclusion, nothing, what could constitute the interest for the investigation, was found. They searched the authoritative person, who is a witness in a case investigated few years ago. Now they "frisk" the rayon state administration, which is the last place of employment of the politician. Such interest is connected only to one thing: this person is a candidate for the People's Deputy of Ukraine in a district, where the Party of Regions nominated as a candidate the son of General Prosecutor ofUkraine. It is an instance of political pressure on one of the leaders of oblast party organization. At the same time a criminal case was started against V. Kryvokhatko. The answer is on the top - in the same district with V. Kryvokhatko the Deputy Head of Zaporizhia oblast state administration is nominated as a candidate.


Your competitor in the voting district #76 is a former Governor and Mayor Yevhen Kartashov, who is well known in the city due to his "loud" conversion from the Communist Party to the Party of Regions. How do you evaluate his position and how do you plan to win?

The party of Regions is probably in bad position, in terms of personnel, if they invite people from other parties. And Kartashov's position reminds me of a phrase said by one famous humorist "Please, take me!" Kartashov was in the Communist Party and now he is in the Party of Regions. This betrayal cannot be forgiven in the Cossack's region. And just look what he has. He gives sweet promises when the real deeds are needed. When he was a Mayor, he left the damaged roads, ruined housing offices, corruption, etc. New faces, responsible approach to the duties and fulfillment of promises are needed.

Return to the mixed proportional-majoritarian election system in Ukraine created extremely favorable situation of administrative resource abuse during the Parliamentary election campaign 2012. What is your attitude to such changes?

I am positive about that because this is a new step to more democratic elections. In terms of administrative resource, with help of huge amounts of money the government uses the administrative resource to its full extent. Now they want to equip the polling stations with the surveillance cameras. But it is a big pressure on people, on their choice. People are afraid to lose their jobs and positions because of their choice and political leanings. Is this a democracy?

How do you plan to fight falsification during the elections?

We know for sure that the regional government promised to pass nine candidates out of nine. To reach its aim it will not pay attention to anything, it will not consider anyone and anything, because the future of the Governor, Mayor and "watchman" depends on this... There will be observers from our party. We are planning to conduct educational trainings for them so that they know how to act in different circumstances. We will have authorized representatives. We expect our representatives to get to the election commissions. We will agree on the joint actions at polling stations with oppositional parties in order to prevent the abuses. We will invite international observers. Today we are negotiating with one nongovernmental organization on the participation of the observers from Denmark. The main tasks are to protect the election results and to help the government to get rid of their "warm seats".


For comment, please contact: 
Dmytro Arabadzhiev
Election Programs Coordinator of CN OPORA in Zaporizhia oblast
066 740 42 36
Kateryna Korotchenko
Press Secretary of the Civil Network OPORA in  Zaporizhia oblast
050 5006577


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures. In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA implements a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizes a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.