During few months the Democratic Alliance party is gathering money for the election deposit. Chernihiv regional brunch of the mentioned association also uses different methods to receive charitable contributions from the average citizen. According to the law, in order to take part in the elections a political party should make a deposit that equals 2000 minimal salaries. At the moment the charitable contributions in favor if the Democratic Alliance all over Ukraine constitutes 444 677, 92 UAH. Is it possible to gather 2 million UAH during two weeks before the official registration of the candidates for the people's deputies? Vasyl Hatsko, the Head of Democratic Alliance party, was answering the "money" questions of the representatives of the Civil Network OPORA.

Vasyl, what is the real situation today? What kind of resources do you plan to use in order to gather the needed money? And how?

At the moment our activists gathered 117000 UAH from the people on the streets and acquaintances. Moreover, we have some agreements with the representatives of small business, who promised to transfer 600-700000 UAH in the near future. Sure, it results that we have to gather a big sum anyway. But it has to be understood that we started our work with small business just recently. We look forward for the cooperation with the mid-sized business. Thus, we hope that we will manage to gather the needed money before the date provide in the law and to register to take part in the elections.

Do you consider any other means of fund rising in future?

- Yes. Among the original methods of work at the moment we have the auction , where one can find any king of services.

Moreover, we address both friends and unknown people in the social networks. 


Certain inputs in fund raising make the representatives of those social movements and environments that are joining the Democratic Alliance at the moment. It means that we increase the number of people who will work in fund rising.

We bravely use all the possible options to gather the money. It is extremely important both for the Democratic Alliance andUkrainein general. If we make our plan real, it will be the first precedent, when the parties are sponsored not by the oligarchs but by the ordinary people, small and mid-sized business, middle class in particular. At the moment it is extremely important for the alternative to emerge during the elections.

Do you count on the support of international foundations?

Sponsorship payments from the international sponsors are forbidden. Only the citizens of Ukraine and some juridical persons have the right provide material assistance. A big chunk of our fund consists of the money of private individuals. And it is logical. The owners of small and mid-sized business are afraid to finance a political party that openly claims its opposition attitude towards the party in power and the President.

Will be the members of the Democratic Alliance represented in the single member constituencies? If yes, then where will these people get money to make a deposit provided by law?

We decided to focus on the formation of political lists. The representative in the single member constituencies will be nominated if we have the opportunity to engage to the struggle strong candidates, who are able to mobilize some resource for the district. At the same time we understand that in the single member constituencies we will have to fight against the administrative resource and insane vote buying. And definitely it will be hard.

What will happen to the gathered money in case you lose?

Certainly we aim at victory. Otherwise, the money will be spent for the fight against corruption.

Is your party afraid of becoming a "victim" of election manipulations? Because if you do not turn over the 5% barrier, all the gathered funds will be for the benefit of state.

We have already become the victims. Because the deposit was created in advance for two reasons: to protect the people who do not have these two million or to make the latter to come to the current politicians.

Besides all this, the representatives of the Civil Network OPORA witnessed how the activists of the party and NGO worked at points for gathering of money for the election deposit in Chernihiv. This is how they commented on the peculiarities of the work done:


Ihor Andriichenko, the Head of Chernihiv oblast organization of the Democratic Alliance party:

Usually we collect money twice a week. And mostly people eagerly get in touch, if we raise issues that bother the citizens of Chernihiv.

Hennadii Vysotskyi, the Head of Secretariat of Chernihiv oblast organization of the Democratic Alliance party:

vusToday, apart of fund rising, I talk about our anti-corruption struggle. About two notorious automobiles Toyota of Chernihiv city Mayor Oleksandr Sokolov, which appeared in the city council and which total cost is 600000 UAH. About the fares in the local public transport, which are of excessive price in Chernihiv according to our data. About the fights in Passport Offices, because unfortunately, the administration of these institutions and people "forget" to mention, while issuing the passports for foreign trips, that the payment of 150-400 UAH is not obligatory but voluntary. About the fight against the misuse of the administration of National Joint-Stock Company Naftogaz ofUkraine, who can eat the seafood barbecue and pancakes with caviar. We talk to people, who are interested in listening to and discussing the mentioned topics.

Oleksandr Nasachevskyi, the Head of Secretariat of Chernihiv oblast brunch of the All-Ukrainian Youth Nongovernmental Organization Youth of the Democratic Alliance:


Today I talked probably with 20 people. The majority is not very easy going. Probably, they are disappointed by the current political situation in Ukraine and do not trust the political parties.

So I decided to talk only to those who come up on their own. In this case, both parties will be satisfied with communication.



Olha Rizenko
Press Secretary 
For comment, please contact:
Yevhenii Romanenko
Election Programs Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA
in Chernihiv oblast
068 386 60 54


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures. In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA implements a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizes a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts.