The voters can familiarize themselves with the complete list of candidates for the People's Deputies from the Party of Regions. However, they should wait for the candidates from the Fatherland party

On August 7, 223 candidates for the People's Deputies of Ukraine from the Party of Regions were registered during the session of the Central Election Commission. Mykola Azarov became a leader of the list of the Party of Regions. The second is a singer Taisia Povalii. Serhii Tihipko, who is the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of social policy, is the third. The fourth and fifth numbers got respectively the Secretary of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andrii Kliuiev and the Head of faction of the Party of Regions Oleksandr Yefremov. It is possible to check the complete list here -

Today there was no registration of candidates from the United opposition. The Deputy Head of the Central Election Commission Andrii Mareha pointed out that it is connected with the lack of information from all the state bodies, without any exceptions:Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of International Affairs, Care and custody office of Ukraine, State border guard service of Ukraine. Tomorrow he also promised to give careful consideration to the candidates for the people's deputies from the Fatherland and UDAR parties, who were nominated in the statewide constituency. Mahera claimed: "I want to refute the information, which was published in some Internet resources, as if the Central Election Commission has already considered the registration of the candidates for the people's deputies from the Fatherland party of Yulia Tymoshenko and Yurii Lutsenko and as if it denied the registration." By this time the Commission has not considered this question.

Mr Mahera informed that in the cases of the candidates for the people's deputies, who probably has not lived in Ukraine during the last 5 years (A. Shevchenko, A. Avakov, O. Azarov) the Central Election Commission will use the existing laws. However, the Central Election Commission does not have any information regarding their residence abroad neither from the Ministry of foreign affairs nor from the State border guard service or any other body of Ukrainian government. Moreover, the European Court of Human Rights vetoed the attempt to sum up the number of days lived abroad during 5 years by the candidate for the people's deputy.

If the citizen of Ukraine is not interested in submitting the residence permit, then probably institution of the foreign government has no right to provide such information according to its internal laws. Pavlo Lazarenko is another case. Last time he crossed the border more than 10 years ago. Here there are other grounds for a decision to deny the registration.

Opportunely, we underline that the political parties are no required according to the law to submit the election program to the Central Election Commission., while submitting the documents of the candidates nominated in the multiple-state constituencies. But the single member candidates have to submit and publish their programs.

A special session of the Central Election Commission was held regarding the issue of surveillance cameras during this year elections. The journalists were not informed about that

Interesting fact is that on August 6 a special session of the Central Election Commission was held regarding the issue of surveillance cameras during this year elections. The technical question was the only one in agenda and the journalists were not informed about that. The Deputy Head of the Commission Andrii Mahera explained that the Cabinet of Ministers was waiting for the resolution of the Central Election Commission regarding this issue in order to prepare its own session. On the web page of the Central Election Commission it is possible to familiarize with the resolution #150 On the submission to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the technical tasks and configurations of information and telecommunication systems of Video Surveillance. An appendix is mentioned in the resolution, however, it is absent on the web page. Mahera did not comment on this fact.

The Civil Network OPORA is a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent nationwide network of public activists. We have teamed up to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizens’ influence on the activities of state and local government in Ukraine.