The highest percentage of Kharkiv citizens is in All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland - 2,6% (6 candidates). According to the statement of the First Deputy Head of Kharkiv election office of the United opposition Iryna Yefremova, only 4 citizens of Kharkiv got to the top 100 of the party list:  #24 - the Head of Kharkiv oblast organization of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland  Arsen Avakov, #57 - the President of football Premier league, current People's Deputy of Ukraine Vitaliii Danylov, #62 - the Head of Kharkiv regional election office of the United opposition Vitalii Nemylostyvyi, #97 - the Head of Kharkiv oblast organization of the Front of Changes party Oleksandr Davtian. In addition, under #130 is the Deputy Head of Kharkiv election office of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland Iryna Yefremova, and #211 is the Head of Kyiv rayon organization of the Fatherland party in Kharkiv city Maksym Alieksieienko.

In general, the sociologists, in particular Razumkov Centre, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), and Rating Group, predict that the United opposition Fatherland will get from 25,5% to 27,9% of the votes during the elections. On average, it is approximately 59 seats in Verkhovna Rada. Thus, according to the worse prediction, only one representative of Kharkiv region will get to Verkhovna Rada of VII Convocation from the United opposition. In case the positive prediction for the United opposition comes true, there will be three citizens of Kharkiv region in the list.

The Communist Party of Ukraine and the UDAR party have 5 candidates from Kharkiv region each (2,2%).

The following natives of Kharkiv region became the candidates form the Communist Party of Ukraine in the national multi-mandate constituency: #15 - the First Secretary of Balakliia rayon party committee Oleh Bukhovets, #43 - the Head of Paniutino village council Oleksii Korpan, #56 - he Deputy of Derhachi city council Volodymyr Vasylenko, #69 - the Head of Dzerzhynskyi rayon party organization in Kharkiv city Mykola Akinin, #83 - the Deputy of oblast council Leonid Stryzhko. Thus, all five are in the top 100 of the list. Among 214 candidates in the list of the Communist Party of Ukraine, the candidates from Kharkiv region constitute 2,3%. According to the predictions of Razumkov Center, KIIS and Rating Group, the Communist party of Ukraine will get from 7,4 to 9,8% of the votes. On average, it gives the Communist Party 19 deputy seats. At best they will get 22. Such circumstances give a chance to get to the Parliament only to Oleh Bukhovets, #15 of the Communist Party list.

The first representative of Kharkiv region in the list of the UDAR party is Kateryna Kurashova - #81. Three more candidates are under the following numbers: #134 - Leontii Shypylov, #160 - Oleksii Pushniak, #182 - Vasyl Hunko. Vitalii Bessonov is #215. The best prediction for Vitalii Klychko's party was made by KIIS - 14,5%, meaning 32 seats in the Parliament. For the Kharkiv candidates from the UDAR party this barrier is compelling.

Four representatives of Kharkiv region got into the lists of the Party of Regions and Our Ukraine party. It means that "Kharkiv's" part of the candidates will constitute about 1,8% of each party.

In the list of the Party of Regions three candidates from Kharkiv region got to the top 100. The first is a current People's Deputy of Ukraine Inna Bohoslovska - #60, the co-owner of AutoInvestStroi company Vasyl Poliakov is #75, #95 is the People's Deputy Vasyl Potapov, #140 - the Deputy Head of Kharkiv oblast party organization Olena Oleshko. The lowest result for the Party of Regions is predicted by the Rating Group - 20,3% (45 seats), and the highest was made by KIIS - 29,1% (65 seats). Thus, in order for at least one representative of Kharkiv region to get to the Parliament, the Party of Regions should receive not less than 26,7% of the votes. 

In order for at least one representative of Kharkiv region to get to the parliament, the Party of Regions should recieve not less than 26,7% of the votes

Three representatives of Kharkiv region also got to the top 100 of the Our Ukraine party list. #12 is the Head of Kharkiv oblast party organization Yaroslav Yushchenko, the Head of Krasnokutsk rayon party organization Anna Bezverha (#49), the Head of Kharkiv city party organization Kostiantyn Barylko (#97). The Head of Komintern rayon party organization Serhii Kurinnyi (#198) is also in the list. In case the Our Ukraine party gets 5% of the votes (meaning 11 seats in the Parliament), the representatives of Kharkiv region will not get to the Parliament.

If the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda overcomes the 5% barrier, Ihor Shvaika, the Head of Kharkiv oblast party organization, will get a seat in the Parliament. He is #8 in the list. A current People's Deputy of Ukraine and a representative of Kharkiv region Oleksii Lohvynenko will get to the Parliament, if the Ukraine-Ahead! party of Natalia Korolevska overcomes the minimal barrier.

If the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda overcomes the 5% barrier, Ihor Shvaika, the Head of Kharkiv oblast party organization, will get a seat in  the Parliament

Certainly, the voting for a party list in the multi-mandate constituency, first of all, reflects the proportional ideological representation of voters in Ukraine and not territorial one. Nevertheless, the proportional representation of different oblasts in the party section of the Parliament is a significant feature of democratic structure of the contemporary nationwide parties and parliamentary representation.

At the moment the number of voters, according to the data of the State Register of Voters of Ukraine, constitutes 36 256 483, 2 200 483of which live in Kharkiv region. Thus, the citizens of the region constitute 6,07% of the total number of voters. The numbers are higher only in Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts, which have 9,41% and 7,48% respectively. Kharkiv oblast is an important industrial region. And this element makes it a significant element of Ukrainian economy. However, it is not possible to say the same about the possible political representation of oblast in Verkhovna Rada of VII Convocation. The fact that only in the party list of All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda the citizen of Kharkiv got to the top 10 is a proof.

Iryna Yeremieieva,
Press Secretary of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kharkiv oblast 
For comment, please contact:
Viktoria Shevchuk
Election Programs Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kharkiv oblast
067 177 26 55
066 047 07 72


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures. In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA implements a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizes a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.