Oleh Medunytsia, who is originally fromSumyand at the moment is the Head of nongovernmental organization Biuro Analizy Polityky (Bureau of Political Analysis), is known as an active participant of the Revolution on the Granite, Orange Revolution and civil activist. In the times of Viktor Yushchenko he was a state official, holding the position of the Deputy Head of Sumy Oblast State Administration, which at that time was run by Mykola Lavryk. The United opposition nominated him as a candidate for the deputy in the voting district #157.

- How would you evaluate the results of the congress of United opposition?

I think that the results of the United opposition's congress urged some questions. Some people where not satisfied with the results of this congress: Some did not see their names in the lists of desired voting districts; some did not get the desired place in the list of candidates. But this is exactly why the United opposition exists: to unite the political powers with different ambitions. That is why the intra-oppositional dialog takes place not only within the United opposition but also with the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda and the UDAR party. I do not exclude the possibility that there could be changes during the election campaign. For example, the change of candidates in the single-member constituencies. There could also be some unions and changes in form of displacing one candidate in favor of the other.

Олег Медуниця

If to talk about my district, there were contenders as well. Not a lot of them. This process did not turn into a scandalous public disclosure but was developing in the framework of political dialog. The United opposition decided that I will be the candidate from this political power in Sumy city.

- How would you evaluate the chances of opposition in Sumy region?

The United opposition can win minimum 30 % of the votes. This is the result we currently observe in Sumy city. Mostly this result depends not on the strategy of the United opposition in Sumy oblast but on the ability of opposition to preserve the results of the expression of will on election day and to fix this result in the resolutions of territorial election commissions. This will be the main issue for the United Opposition. It is doubtful whether the political powers, which are supporting the government, will be able to significantly increase their ratings, which according to our data comprises 20-22 % in Sumy oblast (the Communist Party and the Party of Regions).

This rating is not so low. However, inSumycity the rating is not more that 15 %, in the Northern districts - a little bit more. The main question is to what extent we will allow the government to rewrite or falsify the results of the elections. In fact the government conducts its campaign having unlimited financial resources. And it can significantly influence the results of elections.

- Where exactly are you expecting the highest level of falsification?

We expect it in all the village districts. For example, in Nedryhailiv rayon.

In big cities the government will not be able to rewrite the protocols

- Does it depend on the rivalry between the candidates for the deputies?

No, it does not. The strategy of opposition will be very simple: to connect the majoritarian candidate to the rating of the Party of Regions. It means to lower his rating. The strategy of the governing party will be quite the contrary: in the single-member districts, where the candidates enjoy the high level of public support, they will try to equal their party ratings with those of the majoritarian candidates. If it is not possible, then they will implement the technologies that will allow them to change the results of elections. However, the government will not be able to rewrite the protocols in the big cities.

I think that the candidates, who support the government, and the Party of Regions will take some measurements before the election. These measurements will then determine their future strategy. In the places where the falsification is not needed they will do nothing. In those where it is, they will take into consideration the level of its observation by opposition and whether it will allow them to change the results.

- What will include the strategy of your campaign?

In order to win in Sumy, the candidate, who supports the government, will have to discredit the opposition candidate. Even by resorting to the so called "black PR"

I think that in Sumy city the forces of opposition did not have strong candidates, with the ratings comprising at least 20%. However, the oppositional attitudes in Sumy prevail. Thus, the task of every opposition candidate and mine in particular, is to tie oneself to the ratings of the United opposition, which are quite high in Sumy. Moreover, we should prevent the government from discrediting of the opposition candidate. Apparently, in order to win in Sumy city, the candidate, who supports the government, will have to discredit the opposition candidate. Even by resorting to the so called "black PR".

Yesterday I spent some time reading the results of the discussion of my candidacy on fora and recollected the times when I was called a fascist. It was when Volodymyr Shcherban was in power and I supported Sumy students' movement against the unification of the institutions of higher education. Today the topics of nazism and fascism are again in the air. Obviously, they will be used in speculations of the headquarters and candidates, who are supporting the government.

- Which opponent is the most comfortable of uncomfortable for you?

I would like not to evaluate my opponents. I think that here the Party of Regions will support the strong candidates. It will not do that in public, but with help of concrete actions. For every candidate, nominated by the Party of Regions, it will be extremely hard to gain the victory in the city like Sumy. It is because of the serious and well-grounded preconceived attitudes toward this political power, which I believe should be banned in Ukraine.

- What about the Mayor Hennadii Minaiev?

We'll see whether the city Mayor will take part in the campaign. If Minaiev runs for elections and becomes an independent candidate (samovysuvanets), then I will accept this challenge and will compete with such a strong candidate.


Iryna Stehnii,
Press Secretary of the Civil Network OPORA in Symu oblast
 +38 066 305 51 90;
For comment, please contact:
Oksana Khoruzhenko,
Election Programs Coordinator of CN OPORA inSumyoblast
+38 067 14 20 301.

The Civil Network OPORA is a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent nationwide network of public activists. We have teamed up to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizens’ influence on the activities of state and local government in Ukraine.