On 19 April the CEC took a decision on the procedure of casting lots for distribution of seats in District election commissions (DECs) for Ukrainian Parliamentary elections on 28 October 2012. The procedure considerably differs from those used during parliamentary campaigns of 1998-2006. On previous Parliamentary elections drawing of lots was conducted separately for each DEC. The procedure secured the principle of equal opportunities for political parties and candidates. This year, vacant positions in all district election commissions will be distributed by one procedure of drawing lots.

The Resolution of Central Election Commission of Ukraine #69 of 19.04.2012 provides: number of seats which shall be divided between candidates from parties - subjects of the election process by drawing of lots, is a difference between the maximum number of election commission members (18 persons) and a number of seats, which are given to factions in the Verkhovna Rada of the VI convocation, one representative from each faction (5 persons). 5 factions are registered in the Parliament of Ukraine of the current convocation, therefore 13 seats in district election commissions can be distributed between parties - subjects of the election process by drawing of lots. Drawing lots is not conducted if the number of candidates is equal or less than the number of vacant positions in the membership of the corresponding commission. The By drawing lots parties receive numbers of priority for including their representatives to the membership of election commissions. After all candidates from party of the first priority are included to the membership of district election commissions, candidates are taken from parties of the following priority for the inclusion. Therefore, parties which will under the numbers from one to thirteen have considerable preferences when seats to every commission are distributed. The procedure of distribution of seats in every DEC is over when the maximum number of members is reached. The aforementioned procedure of drawing lots gives preferences of having more representatives in election commissions to parties which received first numbers when drawing lots.

The Civil Network OPORA recommends Central Election Commission of Ukraine to reconsider the Resolution #69 of 19.04.2012. "On the order of drawing lots conducted by the Central Election Commission on the inclusion of candidates to the district election commissions on the upcoming 28 October 2012 parliamentary elections" and provide a procedure of drawing lots for every election commission separately. Such decision will enable Commissions to avoid the dominance of certain political forces in the election commissions and enhance mutual control between participants of the elections.

For comment, please contact:  
Olha Aivazovska,
Coordinator of election programs
063 617 97 50,   [email protected]

The Civil Network “OPORA”- a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.