Activists of the Communist Party of Ukraine are holding in Kirovohrad so-called "People's Referendum" - an opinion poll concerning certain spheres (medicine, education, economics or politics). The poll is conducted in campaigning tents in the


form of a questionnaire - the citizens have to answer nine questions and give their personal data: full name, address and other contact data.

On the question concerting the purpose of collecting personal data activists answered that the party is creating database of supporters. On the question, where the database is supposed to be used, activists refused to answer, and immediately rejected their previous statement.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the protection of personal data", collection, processing and transmission of personal data to third parties without the consent of the subject of personal data is regarded as illegal activity, except in cases determined by law and "only in the interests of national security, economic prosperity and human rights" (Article 14 (2) of the Law of Ukraine "On the protection of personal data" - The voters have a right not to provide their personal information and request information about the purpose of collection and method of use

For comment, please contact:      
Nadiia Domash
Press-secretary of electoral programs of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kirovohrad oblast
099 44 13 777

[email protected]


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuse

s upon improving the system and certain procedures. In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA implements a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizes a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information about observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.