Leading civic organizations united for the protection of the rights and freedoms and to overcome the crisis of democracy in Ukraine. It was reported on the press conference by participants of IV Forum of the Civic Assembly of Ukraine, participated by nearly 400 civic and expert organizations, including the Civil Network OPORA.

In conditions of attack on democracy is very important to organize civil society of Ukraine for common effective activity. According to the president of all-Ukrainian NGO "Ukrainian strategy", Co-Chairman of the organization committee of the Civic Assembly of Ukraine Anatolii Pinchuk, participants of the forum composed proclamations, including movement from requirements to action, common action concerning the control of parliamentary elections and common position on constitutional reform.

The responsibility for "rollback" from democratic norms will be put on all subjects of the election process – the government and the opposition

“The responsibility for "rollback" from democratic norms will be put on all subjects of the election process – the government and the opposition”, - stated Olha Aivazovska, the coordinator of election programs of the Civil Network OPORA Among the requirements of CAU, there was mentioned transparent and open formation of party lists and nomination of candidates in majoritarian electoral districts, including primaries, publication of the list of party candidates on their sites, list of candidates for state offices, programs of social development. Although fixing a quota for women participation is not provided by the law, equal rights of men and women when forming party lists of candidates for deputies should be secured. Another requirement to political forces – is fair and competitive election which does not go beyond the scope of current legislation, international standards and does not violate moral standards.

To secure fair, transparent and free elections, the Civil network OPORA, the Committee of voters of Ukraine, Chesno Civic movement and other civil organizations started work of a common coordination center. According to Aivazovska, information about election monitoring, educational campaigns, work with electors, existing initiatives will go through the center.

Maksym Latsyba, leader of programs in Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research (UCIPR), expressed his concern about constant worsening of the level of observance of human rights, reforming of state institutions is virtually the imitation, criminal prosecutions for political activity become more often. If we want to strengthen the democracy, we need to make conditions for real participation of the public in realization of public policy, to conduct reforms aimed at combating corruption in Ukraine, to stop criminal prosecutions for political activity, to introduce a system of civic education and complete the signing and ratification of Association Agreement between UKraine and European Union and implement European standards of democracy and law.

The participants of the Civic Assembly of Ukraine appeal to all civil associations which work according to the principles of openness and democracy, to unite and develop the effective civil society in Ukraine together.

Detailed information:
Press-service of the Civil Network OPORA